That's an interesting complex. It's just like any other job. There are things you don't like but you still do them because morals don't always equal food. I personally feel a certain way about selling fluff records that center on sex or violence. Rihanna's "Rude Boy" has hit #1. which is all well and good because Rihanna deserves it but the song is all fluff and little substance. She spends 4 minutes, give or take, dutty winning and checking pants of male models. We're not going to get into her performing rude boy at the Kids Choice Awards.
I've seen a few seconds of Ciara's new video "Ride It" and I was somewhat dissapointed. I feel like Ciara sold out. Is Ciara the most talented singer to ever grace our air ways? Hardly. But Ciara had a charisma, was attractive, and could dance Beyonce, Rihanna, and any other female singer with more talent in their pinkie finders than Ciara does in her whole body, under the table. She was one of my favorite singers because she used her dance moves to make up for mediocre vocals and never overly sexy. To see her in a barely there bathing suite type thingy talking about how good she rides. I guess Ciara, I guess.
In all actuality, I feel sorry for people in the industry. Do I feel sorry for the really successful ones? Not really, because once you sell a lot of records you can do whatever you want. But I feel sorry for less successful artists because they are at the mercy of their record label. They must do what they need to in order to sell records. Many artists work for years to make their record labels millions only to end up with nothing. It has to suck to have little creative control. We know about the rumors of Beyonce being a puppet for her father.
I just feel like this selling sex thing is very disheartening. We are not sold quality music, we are sold records with little substance.
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