Happy Valentines Day to all. In the sprit of the most loved or loathed day, I'm going to be writing about this thing called the "Husband Complex." I don't know a better name for it, so I'm going to call it the "Husband Complex."
What is the "Husband Complex?" It's the belief that women are driven to success by a man or they need a man to succeed. More specifically a husband. I am a single woman with a lot of dreams that do not involve a husband. Does that mean I don't want a husband? No. It means I don't have a husband or a boyfriend and I'm not planning my life around something that I can't forsee. Example, I love to cook things from scratch. I am a food snob and refuse to eat out of a can, box, or bag and as a result I'm always cooking. My sister asked If I was cooking for my husband? What husband? Do my actions have to revolve around getting a husband? I told her I have to eat too and I'm not waiting to get a husband to learn how to cook. She agreed with me. Go figure.
Example 2, I have this dreamhouse that I want to build in the next ten years. When I told my Dad about it, he replied what about your husband? What husband? What boyfriend? Should I revolve my life around a husband I don't have. Do I have to revolve every hope and dream around my nonexistent husband? Does everything I do have to revolve around a husband?
Don't get my wrong, I am not anti-husband. If anything I am pro-life partner. That means we merge our ideas together and build a life together not I drop everything and follow you like a puppy. Ala Jay-Z and Beyonce. They're married but Beyonce is still the same person and has yet to slow down. They say behind every great man is a great woman but is a great man behind every great woman. Let that marinate.
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