
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Messiness Alert

Although this is juicy, and I will be keeping up with any developments, I wish people would stop putting their business out on Twitter. Matt Barnes, Gloria Govan's ex-fiancee and the father of her two kids, recently took to Twitter to air some dirty laundry.

In May Gloria and I decided to separate in the best interest of her career. I foolishly agreed to portray that we were still together. For her upcoming season of her show on VH1. As recently as August we decided to revisit a joint statement of our separation, but Gloria asked to delay making our separation public for the interest of her show. It is ironic now how Gloria is trying to manipulate the professional relationship between Eva Longoria and myself as the sole reason for our separation, when she knows we split up in May.
The reason why I broke my silence a month ago was because of the on going “affair” she was having with a now former FRIEND of mine. Again, I wish Gloria nothing but the best, & I will continue to keep our beautiful children as my first priority. Thank you
Gloria has a career? I thought her career was being Matt Barnes's eternal fiancee. I'm not being messy, I'm just stating facts. The only reason we know who Gloria Govan is is because of Matt Barnes. No one really cares about Gloria, people barely care about Matt. Sorry, it's the truth. I wanna know what professional relationship could Matt Barnes possibly have with Eva Longoria. What could he do for her career besides give her publicity? I want Gloria to have several seats because no one cares about her, she doesn't have a career. She was barely on Basketball Wives LA. I can't see Gloria making it as a reality star turned actress. Nothing pops about her. Word on the street is that Gloria is an undercover hoe. Some of her conquests reportedly include, The Game and Gilbert Arenas. Yes, that Gilbert Arenas.

On a random note, whenever I saw Gloria and Matt together, he always looked like he wanted to get away. I never felt radiating love between them, more like radiating convenience.