
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Relationship Thoughts

Is an open relationship an open relationship if one party is allowed to have an outside partner? In Chad and Evelyn's relationship, Chad is the only one allowed to have outside partners and I'm sure if Evelyn wanted to step out of the relationship, Chad wouldn't be buying her condoms. If one person is allowed to stray, that isn't an open relationship, it's called cheating. Open relationships mean that both partners are free to have outside partners. An affair is when one person has outside partners. There is a difference.

They say in a good relationship that you should settle for 80% of what you need. 80% does not include photo-ops, someone to bring to family dinners, a nice house, cars, clothes, etc. The 20% does not mean fidelity, respect, happiness, etc. The 20% you discard should be superficial things, like looks, height, salary, job title, race, etc. You should be happy in a relationship and you should be fulfilled. If you look at the women on these shows who accept infidelity as apart of the lifestyle, you can see that they're miserable. Emily is miserable because she cries about Fab in every scene and she had to put their relationship on blast for him to claim her, Chrissy is miserable because happy people don't fight everyone, and Evelyn is miserable for the same reason as Chrissy. If your partner really loved you, they wouldn't do things to jeopardize your relationship. When a person, man or woman, truly treasures your relationships they won't do things to hurt you. This includes denying the relationship and cheating. They know that you will accept whatever they give you or they don't care about you that much. Ladies, there are men that make six figures that are faithful and there are men that make 3 figures that cheat. Just because a man is successful does not mean he gets a pass on anything. He's not cheating because the groupies are there and they can't resist the temptation, he's cheating because he chooses to. It's that simple. Unless the groupies are putting things in his drink and raping him, he's choosing to be with them. These men are also cheating because you allow them to. Too many women sell their souls for a big house, nice car, Louboutin shoes, and a Birkin bag. It's not worth being unhappy over things you can't take with you when you die. As long as they can shop on Wisconsin Ave, which is DC's version of Rodeo Drive, on a daily basis, it doesn't matter what the man does. This attitude is

I have yet to see any relationship that involves an escape clause work. My apologies to those in relationships with stipulations or escape clauses but they don't work. What's the point of being in a relationship with someone and you need to offer them a way out or agree to terms that you're not okay with? Relationships are supposed to add to your life in all aspects. You should be fulfilled and happy with your partner. Settling in a relationship is not going for someone who is sub par in looks, does not make as much money as you, lives in a small house, etc. Settling is going for someone who cheats on you, disrespects you, and generally does not care about you or your safety.