In August, after months of rumors about Stacey Dash's status on Single Ladies, Stacey confirmed that she was leaving the show. She cited wanting to spend more time with family as the reason, but rumors were rapid about Stacey and Lisaraye not getting along and Stacey being a diva, who was impossible to work with. Many media outlets listed their choice for Val's replacement and it seems none of them were close. Today, Vh1 announced Denise Vasi as Raquel. Although Stacey and Denise resemble each other, it seems Vh1 is not going for the Roseanne, My Wife and Kids, or Young and The Restless route of replacing the actress playing Val, they're going the Family Matters route of Judy going upstairs. It seems that Val will be completely written off and the series will now revolve around Raquel, April, and Keisha. I wonder how they'll do it since Val's store was a big backdrop for a lot of the scenes and her story line was so big. If I had to choose a major character out of the three, it would be Val, it seemed she had the most screen time out of the 3. It'll be interesting to see how they shuffle everything around since so much seemed to revolve around Val and her surrondings. I also wonder if they'll keep Val's wardrobe designer because Val's clothes were always on point. Her color block outfit is one of my favorites to create. Peep the picture of Denise below and part of the Vh1 press release.
“Single Ladies” is a romantic comedy series about Keisha, Raquel and April – best friends with different philosophies on love, sex and relationships, proving not all women have the same desires. Keisha (LisaRaye McCoy) is a former video dancer who believes in making her own luck, her own money and choosing men with her head instead of her heart. April (Charity Shea) had found the “perfect” man for the “ideal” marriage – but is learning that marriage does not always mean happily ever after. Season 2 will introduce Raquel (Denise Vasi) a sophisticated business woman coming into her own and calling the shots. “Single Ladies” is a modern, sexy series set in the world of Atlanta fashion, music, and celebrity that explores women’s different approaches to relationships.Maybe I'll get cable next summer and I can actually see how they integrate everything together. I actually like the show and I liked where it was going. I wanted to see who Val was going to choose. Oh well. Hopefully they make this transition smooth.
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