
Monday, December 5, 2011


  • Kandi has really stepped her style game up. She's retired the multi-colored rooster hair do, she'd gotten nice clothes, nice shoes, she's gotten a big upgrade.
  • Kandi's mom needs to let it go. Anytime someone rolls in a human sized box, know that a stripper more than likely will pop out of it. If you don't like it, leave when the box comes in.
  • Peter doesn't want Mal, Cynthia's sister, in his business but he's okay with all of America being in his business? Okay, how does that work out.
  • I don't have kids, so I'm not trying to pass judgement but Sheree's child support claims do not make sense. I understand she needs to take care of the kids but if both parents take care of the kids equally, which it seems that Bob and Sheree do, why is there a need for child support? We all know that She by Sheree is going nowhere fast and chateau Sheree isn't going to build itself, but really Sheree? Also, what was the water for? He seemed to speak to you like an adult, I don't understand your frustration. He kept his voice calm, didn't call you out of your name, and made valid points. Are you mad that he said no? Are you mad that he made valid points on TV? Are you mad he brought up your $18,000 bags and over priced homes? Which is it? Also, if she had that much of a problem with Bob not paying child support, she should have said something 4 years ago and not now. She should lose her claim because it seems baseless.I think Sheree needed a story line and Phaedra needed to show her lawyerly side because I don't see Phaedra being anything other than dense and every time Sheree is on the screen, I want to fast forward. 
  • Is Sheree buying Aston Martin's and $18,000 bags at her children expense? Every time I see her kids, I want to comb their hair and wash their clothes. I'm not saying that mothers should look homeless for their kids but when a mother is always on point but her kids look borderline homeless, it's a problem. Can we say priorities? 
  • Cynthia and Peter both need to get 9-5's because neither of them have business acumen. How does Cynthia open a business and expect her sister to run it? I know her sister will do anything for her but that's still unfair for her to put her business on her sister. If I was her sister, I'd ask for a percentage of it. Also how many businesses of Peter's have failed besides Uptown? 
  • Is Peter's credit that bad that he could only open an upscale bar in the hood?
  • Although Cynthia has a rule that Peter can't ask her for money, I'm sure Peter doesn't have the same rule. Cynthia can't even ask about simple financial things without being spoken to like a child.
  • Why is Cynthia's sister crying for Cynthia? Mal needs to save her tears because if Cynthia can't see it, there's no use in wasting good tears over it. I'm sure there's more to Peter than meets the eye. Something about their union seems off. Peter wouldn't give her the ring until he deemed her "ready" and Cynthia acted like a death row inmate, not a bride. 
  • Peter and Lawrence. Obviously Lawrence doesn't know what's being said by Peter behind his back because if he did, he wouldn't be going to Peter's events. Is Peter threatened by Lawrence because he's an undercover queen? What straight man stays in the room after a male stripper appears? Not only did Peter stay, he was also staring intensely at the stripper. Some people even said he licked his lips. Something is off about that. Maybe that's why he's so brash with Cynthia and Mal because he's fighting his sexuality. Cynthia needs to watch him. 
  • I understand where Kim's daughter is coming from. In less than year, it went from her, her sister, and her mom to Kroy and a new baby. Now they're moving from the only home she can remember. That's a lot of changes for a 14 year old to handle. 
  • I love Phaedra's shade. She takes her shade and covers it up with a bit of sugar. 
  • So Charles and NeNe did have a fling? I take it that NeNe was annoying, so Charles did what all men do to annoying flings, he took her back to the hotel, had sex, and dropped her off. 
  • When did Peter become worthy of a confessional? Also, that sweater-bow tie combination is not helping the Uncle Ben thing. 
  • NeNe, why are your hair, skin, and eyebrows the same color? I hate that blonde on her. In fact, I'm hating blonde on brown skin. She needs a new hair color. Let it go.
  • Were Peter and Cynthia paying NeNe to be there? If not, all they can do is be mad she showed up late. Technically, NeNe did what she was supposed to do. She showed up and rubbed elbows. It may have been for 5 minutes but she still did it. 
  • Are they phasing Kim out for her own show or is she boring because she's pregnant? Last episode, Kim was on there for 5 minutes talking about circumcision and this episode she was on there having a very special talk with her daughter. Her screen time has been severely limited.
  • I can't wait to see what Bob had Sheree served for. I'm sure she deserved it because she was on some bull this episode. She should have left well enough alone. If the man was taking care of the kids and handling responsibility without a court order, why bring the courts into it?