- I wonder how Kim would feel if Kroy became "Big Poppa" to a young girl. Although Kim said the wife didn't care, I doubt they weren't actively married considering they went on MTV Teen Criibs as a family. When will women realize that "I'm only legally married" or "I'm unhappy" is a mandatory lie for men having affairs. I wouldn't be shocked if Kroy had an affair. I feel like Kroy wasn't done playing and being the rich, young, NFL player before Kim and her instant family came along. No 25 year old is ready for that. I think once the newness and the glamour wears off, Kroy may look to release some stress.
- I understand the special bond between a husband and a wife, but I feel like Cynthia should have checked Peter also. Peter was being very rude and very disrespectful to her, her sister, and mom. Cynthia should have also checked herself. Like Mal said, how is she supposed to react when her sister is crying about money, her husband to be, and looking unhappy? Mal reacted like any sister would. I feel like Peter and Cynthia won't last past the finale of the show. The way he treats her isn't right and Cynthia and Noelle deserve better than this.
- I missed the shade Kim was throwing during part 1. When Kim said very loudly that Kandi was richer than everyone, she was throwing shade. It may have seemed positive but Kim was making a point. Kim has yet to pay Kandi for "Tardi for the Party, and for some reason Kandi wants to her friend, and I feel that Kim feels that she doesn't have to pay her because she has enough money. Kandi, Kim is not your friend.
- I know that Kandi is decent in business because she has money but why wouldn't she get a contract with someone she barely knew. I get that Kandi and Kim clicked but she didn't know her. That was not her friend. Even if Kim and Kandi were friends, free is a no-no, discount maybe.
- I agree that Kim is a whore. Look at point #1. Big Poppa was married with two children. And Kim, if he was so for you and you were getting married, what was the reason he wanted to be kept a secret? Kim will never understand the ramifications of the "Big Poppa" situation until it happens to her. She's now a wife but what happens when Kroy cheats and starts supporting another family? Kim doesn't get it. Kim and Marlo are cut from the same cloth. Kim used Big Poppa to live a lavish lifestyle. Kim knew he was married. Marlo's sugar daddy's don't have wives. Kim kills me with this "brand new act." "Brand new life," "brand new man," "brand new home," "brand new baby." Kim forgets that Big Poppa's money is the only reason why she's even on this show. I get that everyone has a past but Kim trying to pretend like Big Poppa didn't exist for the last 13 years is killing me softly. She should just say, "that's a part of my life I don't want to talk about and it's none of your business" and leave it at that. Don't forget your past is well documented.
- I feel like Apollo doesn't have a job and if he does, it's for Phaedra. That scene when he entered the house after work, a few episodes back, looked so stage. The way Apollo interacts with Aidan and seems to have the deeper relationship and understanding with him, I'd be willing to bet that he's a stay-at-home dad. There's nothing wrong with that. Phaedra isn't really maternal anyway.
- There are certain people that suck the sexy out of people. I'm not saying that Kroy was sexy but what is going on with that look? I heard people going in on his looks and when I pulled up the below picture, I nearly died.
Really, Kroy? Kim has sucked the sexy and youth out of Kroy. What is going on with that hair? Something about Kim and Kroy seems wrong. I know it's not for me to judge but everything isn't as perfect as Kim wants us to believe. Didn't she also go on and on about how Big Poppa was "the one' until people starting going in on her and she started making her own coins? I also hope she plans on getting a job once this ends because Kroy only makes $3 million a year, which is nothing considering the lifestyle Kim wants to live. I also heard that Kroy is a mediocre player who had 37 tackles per game. That's about two per game. He's done things but he's not a star player.
- Hold on, Kim has 3 kids by 3 different men and now she's the ultimate virgin and house mom? Gurl, bye. Not judging women with babies by different men but seeing Kim doing this "brand new" act is ridiculous. Also, did Kim tell her kids about this?
- I died laughing when Marlo said that Kim paid for her own ring. That was funny. I do believe that Kim stashed some of Big Poppa's money and stuff her bought her and is using it to finance her life with Kroy. Kim can say different all she wants but if you just started working after 10 years of being a kept woman, trust everything was paid for by Big Poppa. Like I said before, Kim and Kroy don't have the coins they're portraying and if anything went wrong, Kim is not getting a job. I think when Kim says "we know this won't last forever" I think she thinks that her and Kroy can do a reality show, Kroy can be a commentator, or she can do more music. I don't think she thinks that the checks will completely stop coming in like they did for Lisa and Ed.
- Sheree is a hypocrite. If she cared that much about Kim and the "black baby gate" why didn't she say anything in the car? Gurl, bye.
- The women on this show are not friends. Cynthia may think she's NeNe's friend, but trust she isn't. There isn't a friendship on this show that last beyond cancellation.
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