On Monday's Love and Hip Hop, I know, I know, I have been pulling a lot of inspiration from a show I don't watch but hey, inspiration is inspiration. Last night, Chrissy, who has plenty of relationship issues herself, advised Emily (eyeroll), that should overlook Fab's cheating because it comes with the lifestyle. Can we get a Scooby Doo, err?
This is the just of what Chrissy told Emily:
"A man is going to do what he's going to do," but has to be loyal and smart enough to never let his main girl see it, feel it, or hear it."~ChrissyEmily girl, I need you to get new friends because these people don't have your best interest at heart. Let's break down this statement. Does Emily count as Fab's main girl? After ten years, he has yet to claim her publicly. He even said on a radio show that Emily knows that it's "not like that." I beg to differ because of the looks of this show, it seems like Emily is hoping that it will be "like that." If it's not like that after ten years, it won't be like that ever. Despite that Jedi mind tricks that us women have fallen for, a man knows if he wants to be with a woman from day 1. When he walks away from the initial meeting or first date, he has a good idea of where this woman will fit in with his life and he also has a good idea of the boundaries in the relationship. A woman walks away from this meeting knowing the same things. It does not take years of moving slow or him needing his career together before he marries or commits because I know men who didn't have two nickels to rub together but they married the woman they knew was the one. Jedi mind tricks, ladies. Learn them. Him telling you he needs time is giving you false hope while allowing him to do what he wants.
Isn't Emily feeling his infidelity? She has to stare Kimbella in the face, she's friends with Adrienne Bailon, who everyone knows he was smashing but Emily, and now she has Erica, who I believe was smashing Fab when she appeared in one of his video. Look around girl, you're feeling, seeing, and hearing his infidelity. He may not bring home any babies or STD's but girl, you're feeling it. Fab also does not have to respect Emily enough to hide it because he knows he could probably bring another woman home, ask her to scoot over, smash the chick with Emily in the same bed, ask Emily to escort her to the door, and then smash Emily. He knows he can escort Adrienne to a red carpet and come home to Emily like it's nothing.
Not all men cheat. A man who really loves a woman will not cheat. If he really treasured your relationship, he would not cheat. He would be too scared to lose you or ruin the relationship, that he would be strong enough to resist temptation. There is always going to be younger women, new booty, new friends, etc but he has to love and respect you enough not to cheat. Thich Nhat Hanh once said,"true love always brings joy to ourselves and to the one we love. If our love does not bring joy to both of us, it is not true love." I don't think Emily, Chrissy, or Kimbella have joy.
Men cheat regardless of socio-economic status. There are poor men who can't keep it in their pants, as well as rich men who faithfully come home to their wives every night. It depends on the choice the man makes. Cheating is a choice. If you find a woman who knows that her husband is cheating, regardless of whether she is seeing it, who says she is happy, I'll show you a woman who is lying. There isn't enough money, a house big enough, or a car fancy enough, to make her sleep well while her husband is out with another woman.
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