
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Of Course, Paula Deen Has Diabetes

I've been hearing about Paula Deen's bout with diabetes for the last few days but I haven't had reason to care, until now. I don't eat Paula Deen's food and I don't watch her show. I've heard things about her overuse of butter and her fattening food but I always shrugged it off. Now it's being reported that Paula Deen has had diabetes for three years. Yes, three years. That means she has been eating a watered down version of the recipes that she serves her fans.

All I can do is shake my head at Paula Deen. Anytime you make bacon wrapped macaroni and cheese, your health will suffer. Don't mistake me, I love bacon and I love macaroni and cheese but I would never put them together. That's a cholesterol bomb. I'm actually surprised that diabetes is all she has.One would think that her list of health problems would be a lot longer.

The problem that I have with Paula Deen is her selling these unhealthy recipes for those who don't have enough money to feed their families. Whatever. I don't have a lot of money and I eat vegetables, fruit, lean cuts of beef, turkey, chicken, etc. I eat fairly good on $20 a week but that's because I know how to shop. I can get meat for $2-$3 a package and my meat isn't more than $5. That's a bargain. Then I divide the meat into portions, so I can cook as I need. Yes, I eat butter, not margarine, and that only costs me $2 for four sticks or one tub and it's real butter. People need to learn how to shop. That's my soapbox rant for the day.