
Friday, March 23, 2012

Something's Fishy

This is not a conspiracy post because I don't believe that someone killed Whitney. I believe that Whitney, through her own free will, chose to do cocaine and had a heart attack and drowned as a result.

I do find it fishy that there was fresh cocaine in her system but no evidence in the bathroom. The whole story of who found her is shady. I've heard at least three different accounts of who found Whitney and none of them are adding up. First it was the body guard and now the hairdresser. They need to get their stories straight. I believe that someone cleaned up the room before the police were called. There is no logical reason as to why something used to snort cocaine or other evidence, the remaining lines, was not found in the room at all. I'm sure Whitney didn't do it in front of her staff and daughter, so she probably did it in the bathroom, while she was in the tub. Someone cleaned the room before the police came, which is a crime called crime scene tampering, which is a third degree felony.

Also, Whitney was a grown woman. She made her own choices and did what she wanted to do. Bobby did not make her a drug addict and neither did Ray J. Whitney was using drugs because she chose to. They didn't force it up her nose, she chose to use it on her free will. I know we have this perfect image of Whitney, but Whitney made her choices and Whitney suffered her consequences. This is not to chastise her or judge her, because I'm not. I didn't know her and even if I did, it's not my place to judge. I'm advocating personal responsibility for everyone.

BFV S2 E19 (Finale)

  • Tamar as a mother. Hmmm. It's obvious that Tamar is too selfish to be a mother. It will no longer be about her and now about this baby. I don't think she can take the shift in attention. Tamar doesn't even want to carry the baby, how can she do everything else? I do find it great that the doctor put Tamar in her place. People don't do that enough.
  • Tamar will be a Kim Zolciak mother. She will have a nanny, two housekeepers, an assistant, and cook all this with no real responsibilities or job. 
  • Also, I think Tamar not having any music is Tamar's fault. I don't think people will buy it like that but she has everything in her corner, so why doesn't she have anything out? Trina doesn't have Vince, with his connections, or Tamar's fame but she has a single and Toni has a new album and I don't think she has a label. What's the hold up Tamar? 
  • Did they really think Mama Braxton was serious about marrying Doc? Seriously? I know it was all for the show. She needed a story line and Doc gave it to her. I don't even think she likes the man. 
  • Why is being on Dr. Phil a good thing? I haven't seen that work out too well for anyone except Dr. Phil, but if that makes you happy, go ahead.
  •  They're haters. I don't care what anyone says but all the sisters are haters. They're like crabs in a barrel, no one wants anyone else to be more successful.
  • Why do they play that organ music when Mama Braxton talks? That's too funny. 
  • What are Popsicle babies? Oh that's what they are.
  • Awww, that's sweet of Towanda. 
  • Tamar is so selfish. Eyeroll. 
  • Where did Tamar pick up that "get your life" saying from? It seems like she says it for everything.
  • Why haven't we seen the conflict between Toni and Trina manifest itself more? Also, Toni doesn't want Trina to do anything. If she stops doing Gabe, the band, and drinking, what would Trina have left to do? I feel like Toni is very self-righteous because she's the most successful.
  • Toni's advice annoys me. She comes off very self righteous. ^^^^^^
  • Did Tamar really pull the "I wasn't invited card?" As immediate family, you shouldn't need an invite for stuff like that. This family needs more therapy and Dr. Phil 
  • Toni doesn't want anything to do with her family now that they have a bit of shine. I can see her wanting more professional people to sing behind her, because her sisters didn't seem to take it very seriously but really, Toni? She's doing too much. Why is she firing her sisters and hiring new sisters?
  •  I don't buy Toni's excuses. She's had her sisters as back up for years and Vince for years but now she can't have them on there because they're family? Child, bye. 
  • What is up with Toni's wig? It has no shape or anything to it. It looks like it came from the $. 99 bin from the beauty supply store.
  • Trina's song is cute. It doesn't seem like a hit, it's a bit generic but it's cute. It could be big on the club scene. 
  • I don't like Toni. Her commentary, which was supposed to be positive, annoyed me. 
  • Let's talk about Papa Braxton and his frequent appearances. Last season, they couldn't even get him to come a few miles down the road for dinner but now he's on every other episode. He gets the side eye. I'm not saying that he hasn't seen the error in his ways but they haven't had a relationship with him for 10 years because they won't accept his wife, but now he comes without his wife all the time. I think it's because of the show and the fact he's getting paid for his appearances. He seems like a bit of a hustler/shady character.
  • Why is Towanda's make up so much darker than her neck? She can't go to the Mac counter, Sephora's, or any place and get matched? There is no excuse for this. 
  • I knew Trina had kids but she was acting like a college student or woman in her 20's with no responsibilities. I'm sure this show had to effect them and be an embarrassment to them. Here are their parents publicly cheating, fighting, and getting drunk and they had to live with the effects from that. This show seems toxic to the family.
  • Thanks goodness this is the finale. This show dragged on for too long and began to obviously overlap story lines. It'll be interesting to see what they do for season 3. 

Leave Kim Kardashian Alone?

I've written a few "leave people" alone posts but I'm a bit hesitant to fully defend Kim Kardashian. It does seem like it is open season on Kim and people do need to lay off her but I still can't defend Kim. I don't condone people throwing flour on her. That is out of line and unnecessary. If you don't like her, avoid her. Many people are calling stunt on the flour throwing, me I'm neutral. I did call stunt when her publicist was doused with flour by a man in a Kris Humphries jersey. First, who is stanning for Kris Humphries? No one knew who he was before the Kardashians and people barely know him now. Second, where do you get a Kris Humphries jersey? Seriously. What number does he even wear? Is he even that good? No one cares enough about him to assault someone. Third, who cares about Jonathon whatever his last name is? There are better people to douse than him. What I'm trying to say is that I don't believe that the Kardashians are above a publicity stunt to move public sentiment back on Kim's side. These are people who make millions off of publicizing every private event in their lives, I don't put anything past them.

Why is it open season on Kim? I get that serious actors don't like reality stars. Brian White said something about NeNe taking roles meant for serious actors and actresses and so far four actors have spoken against the Kardashians and what they promote. I get it. These people have worked for years to get on TV and it seems that one sex tape and a few photo ops with Paris Hilton and the Kardashians are the it family. Their TV show garners more ratings than shows with actual scripts and actors. It has to hurt to watch people eat up mindless gunk, while serious shows and actors go largely ignored. I also understand that there is room for everyone. People love people who are famous for nothing. You can say what you want about the Kardashians but people are talking about them. That's all that matters. You don't need talent when people are keeping your name in the forefront. I don't know what Kim and Kris Kardashian Jenner's plan for fame was but they need to publish it because it's working. They're willing to give the thirsty public a taste into their personal lives. They're willing to become a topic of conversation. People need people to talk about good and bad.

Leave Kim alone? Maybe. I do think people need to lay off her. There is enough room for everyone. I do believe that the Kardashians' expectations that everyone should respect them is a bit too high. They are people who came from nowhere, have a show about nothing, and make millions off of it. It's guilty pleasure television and no matter how many people watch it, Hollywood will never take them seriously. They should stop expecting it and stay in their lane and do what they do best.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Q&A Lina Rivera Author of Vizcaya

I love to read. My kindle is full of books, new and classic that I have yet to read. Hopefully I will since I do not have TV at the moment.  But I digress. When I first found out about Vizcaya, I thought it was an interesting book. I'm more of a romantic, sweep you off your feet and make you go awe, kind of book but I decided to take a chance on Vizcaya. This book was a quick and easy read with immediate action. Everybody should own a copy of Vizcaya. It's perfect for a car ride or summer reading. 

Tell us about yourself? 

My name is Lina Rivera and I’m an author originally from Orlando, Florida.  I graduated from the University of Southern California with a major in Creative Writing.  In elementary school, I had a teacher who had us make our own books in class.  I loved the idea so much that as soon as I got home, I made my own book with the materials I had.  I drew all my own pictures and wrote the story all in marker on loose leaf notebook paper, then bound it together with colorful yarn.  I never stopped writing after that day.

(Vizcaya Museum Miami, Fl)

Where did you get the inspiration for Vizcaya? 

I’m a huge fan of the architecture and homes of the Gilded Age, so when I heard about Vizcaya, I knew that I had to visit it on my next trip down to Miami.  When I got there it was everything I had imagined it and more.  Not only do you have the gorgeous home and the timeless art inside of it, but you had these gardens that almost seemed right out of a fantasy.  Like your own secret garden.  But the part that I loved the most was that it was right on Biscayne Bay, so it had this great view of the water.  No matter which window of the house you looked out of, you’d have something amazing to look at: the beautiful trees, the inspiring gardens, the gorgeous bay.  I started wondering what it would be like to live there in that kind of environment.  Since I’d never know, I thought it would be fun instead to set a story there.  It was my way of living there without physically taking up residence.

Who was your inspiration for your main characters, Diego, Nelli, and Nikki?

I’m always inspired by everyone I meet.  Even a person I’ve met briefly can make a lasting impression with me that I will use for a story I’m writing.  I love noticing the different ways people speak, or the different ways they get their point across, or what moves them or disturbs them.  Because I’ve met so many people over the years, I can’t always trace back whose voice or personality I’m using when I come up with a story.  In the case of these three, I was inspired mostly by people I went to school with at various times of my life.  Nelli was slightly inspired by my cousin, Minelli, who unfortunately died in a car accident a long time ago.  Growing up I always remembered she was full of life, loved to dance, and wasn’t afraid to take chances.  She wasn’t conniving like Nelli, but all of Nelli’s good parts were definitely inspired by my late cousin. 

Who’s your favorite character in Vizcaya?

It’s always hard to pick a favorite when you’ve created so many unique personalities!  I love them all in their own ways.  They were all fun to write, but if I had to choose a favorite...  I don’t know!  They’re all my favorite.  Actually, I quite like the bromance between Nelli’s dad and Trace, so I’ll choose them. I think you can’t help but to put a little bit of yourself into all the characters you create.  They’re like your children, so somewhere in their DNA is a bit of me.  In school I was a lot like Nikki.  Especially when it came to how she thinks about and approaches her education.  But I’ve always been a creative daydreamer like Diego.  I relate to Nelli’s perseverance and insecurities about pleasing her mother.  I think most of all, I relate to Elvis.  I’m quite familiar with the dependable best friend role.

What feedback have you gotten from your book?

I’ve been lucky to receive really great feedback on Vizcaya.  In my critique groups, people really responded to it and felt invested in the characters.  I have a group of friends that are really honest and critical of all my work.  Many times I’ve given them something I’ve written just to see them shake their heads and say it’s not working.  When I gave them Vizcaya they really loved the story and thought I had stumbled upon something special.  Now that other people are reading it, the feedback has been amazing.  So far everyone likes it!

What challenges and triumphs did you experience while writing and subsequently self-publishing Vizcaya?

Well anytime I actually complete a book, that’s a huge triumph!  I have so many stories that I start, but never quite know how to end, so they just sit there waiting for that inspired conclusion.  The challenges definitely came with self-publishing.  It requires a lot of self-promotion and constant work to get the message out.  That was tough.  As a writer, you want to just get lost in your world and put out a story hoping people will read it and love it.  However, people can’t read something they don’t know about, so you have to burst out of that introverted shell and start telling people that you’re a writer and that you have this great book they should read.  The whole self-congratulatory aspect of it is also a challenge, but at the end of the day you have to believe in what you did.  Luckily I believe whole-heartedly in Vizcaya, so each time I have to get out of my comfort zone to market it, I remind myself that at least I’m marketing a really good story that people should read.

Why did you decide to self-publish and what challenges came with being an independent author?

I’ve worked in the publishing industry for a long time and have followed the market and trends closely.  I tried to get published the recommended way by sending out query letters to agents and crossing my fingers that one of them would be hooked enough to request a partial or a full manuscript.  The rejections started pouring in, and while I wasn’t discouraged, I was definitely perplexed.  I love reading author bios and stories about how authors have made it to where they have.  One thing I kept noticing was that a lot of new authors were hitting the big time because of a connection they made that got them to their agent.  Even though you will read a hundred blogs telling you that the query letter is your way in, a lot of agencies won’t even take unsolicited queries.  You have to know someone that will recommend you to an agent who will then take a look and may or may not be interested.  In the end, it just seems that it all comes down to a little bit of luck and being prepared by having good work to show when that lucky moment happens.  So I decided to do an experiment while I waited for that lucky moment.  I had two completed novels that I was querying.  One was Vizcaya, the other was my young adult (YA) supernatural mystery, Winter Lakes.  I finally decided that I was going to try and self-publish one, while continuing to send out queries for the other.  This way, I’d still be doing things the recommended way, while also taking a chance on this new way that seemed to be getting a lot of attention.

I funded Vizcaya using Kickstarter.com after a friend sent me the link.  It’s a nice site because you can sell people on your idea, and you know that people who are giving you money believe in what you’re doing as much as you do.  The tough part however was promoting your Kickstarter project, but it’s a great way to practice that whole aspect of marketing while fundraising.

Once the book is published, it requires a lot of self-promotion and constant work to get the message out.  That was tough.  As a writer, you want to just get lost in your world and put out a story hoping people will read it and love it.  However, people can’t read something they don’t know about, so you have to burst out of that introverted shell and start telling people that you’re a writer and that you have this great book they should read.  The whole self-congratulatory aspect of it is also a challenge, but at the end of the day you have to believe in what you did.  Luckily I believe whole-heartedly in Vizcaya, so each time I have to get out of my comfort zone to market it, I remind myself that at least I’m marketing a really good story that people should read.  

What are your goals for Vizcaya?
I think that the YA market right now is flooded with a lot of speculative fiction, and I think there might be a slight oversaturation of that out there.  I feel that Vizcaya is a slight reprieve from those stories.  I remember one time when I was in Las Vegas, I was inside of a casino where I was bombarded with lights, sounds, all kinds of sensory overload, and I stepped outside and was smacked with this desolate view of the neutral desert surrounding me.  It was this slight moment of peace that just let my brain sigh and relax.  That’s what I want Vizcaya to be for people.  It’s a simple story.  It’s realistic, but it’s a breath of fresh air.  It’s human emotions during your teenage years when things are simple, but you think they’re so incredibly complicated.  My goal for Vizcaya is that people take a moment to read and enjoy something they can probably relate to before jumping into another fun speculative book.

Do you have any words of wisdom for aspiring authors who are afraid of self-publishing?

I think you ultimately always have to do what you feel is right for you and your project.  But I think you also need to keep in mind that you have to be willing to take risks in your career.  If you’re afraid of self-publishing and maybe just want to get your feet wet to try it out, you could always self-publish a collection of short stories instead of your big novel.  It’s harder to get major publishers to publish short story collections in the first place, so I think, if you’re willing to take the risk and play around with it, that would be a fun way to try out self-publishing and experiment with it.  I understand that you pour everything you have into your big novel, and you don’t want to sell it short before it’s time by jumping the gun and self-publishing it when it just hasn’t landed in the hands of the right agent yet, but I think that’s when it’s important to be aware of the industry.  The more you know about what’s going on in the publishing industry, the better decisions you’ll be able to make about your own career.

What projects do you have in the works?

I’m currently working on the second book of my Winter Lakes trilogy.  It’s a ghost story with a lot of mystery, suspense, and twists, so it’s a bit more involved and requires a lot more planning and question-asking on my part when I’m writing it.  It’s a lot of fun to write, and it’s a world I love getting lost in.  I’m also working on another screenplay.  It’s an alien story, but oddly, it’s a simple one.  It’s actually more in the vein of Vizcaya than Winter Lakes.

All my links!
Official site: http://linarivera.com/
Official Vizcaya site: http://vizcaya.weebly.com/
Vizcaya on Amazon: http://amzn.com/1469920360
Vizcaya on Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13449223-vizcaya 

If you want be featured on the author Q&A, please email me with your contact info, a short bio, your book, etc. officialviimag@gmail.com

Friday, March 16, 2012

Braxton Family Values S2 E18

  1. Trina is the last person I would take marriage advice from. She really wants Towanda to take Andre back? Is she serious? Yes, there is no cheaterization going on, can we just say cheating really?, but Andre is a bum who makes no effort to take care of his children or his household. There is no excuse for that. Towanda and Trina can do better.
  2. Trina gets the side eye. Newsflash Trina, you are the dumb girl. You cry and complain about your cheating husband but I think you like the sympathy. I wouldn't be shocked if next season Trina and Gabe were still trying to work it out. I've seen pictures as recent as December of them hanging out and being lovey-dovey and this was right after the scandal. Also, Gabe sent a written message to Dr. Phil about working it out and Trina was still trying to make excuses for him. Trina may talk a good game but until she packs her stuff and leaves, I take it with a grain of salt.
  3. Also, let's be real in the fact that without Gabe, Trina has no story line. What will she have? Her wedding singer band? No one wants to see them rehearse and perform weddings for $50. Her kids aren't on the show and she really has nothing else. If Trina is going to drop Gabe, it would be once the show is cancelled. 
  4. Toni gets a side eye about this management thing. Let's be real. It wasn't a problem for the last 10 years when he was managing everyone but now that Tamar is currently the most successful Braxton and her sisters are getting some attention for being something other than her sisters, Toni is jealous. She's been jealous and she can't handle it. It's not a conflict of interest because it's been happening for years. While we're being real, let's acknowledge that Vince probably isn't making much money from Toni. How many records does she sell? What deals does she have? That's why Vince was probably like, ehh? He has Gaga and Mindless Behavior, trust Vince is getting coins, he doesn't need her petty income. 
  5. Why are they shocked she called it off? 
  6. Ummm, Mama Braxton, they're grown women 35-45, they should understand a lot, not just more than she gives them credit for. I could see you didn't want to marry that man.
  7. Didn't Toni and Tamar have this argument like 8 episodes ago? WEtv must have those budget editors.
  8. Shhaaadddeee. Towanda. I think Toni isn't getting work because it's 2012 not 1996. 
  9. Is Tamar handling this like an adult? Mmm,hmm. This must be like a redo because last episode it was a big argument and now it's like, "whatever." Okay. 
  10. Was-band? Too cute. 
  11. If Keri and Toni work so well together, why did they divorce?
  12. Can someone tell Toni that it's not 1996? Toni is doing too much. Why does she need an assistant? What is she doing that she can't lotion her own legs? 
  13. Dr. Sherry probably bought her house, car, and a Tahitian vacation over this family, who is still as screwed up as day 1.
  14. Is Mama Braxton really happy? They need to discuss how she's still bitter and angry all these years later, just like they do for Traci. She's not the only one with issues, they all need deep therapy. 
  15. What's going on with Toni's make up? And that wig?
  16. If I was Towanda, I would go back to being Toni's assistant at a much higher rate. Towanda doesn't have much to do or a job, so why not? Maybe she can hire Andre to do something. 
  17. I like this acoustic version of "Another Sad Love Song." 
  18. This party must be for a friend of a friend because these kids don't know who Toni Braxton is. They're like, who's that? 
  19. If Gabe disgusts Trina that much, why is she still with him?
  20. I get the cue cards. You're nervous and the words may not come out right. They're a bit inappropriate for what's going on. 
  21. Dead at ratchet and ridiculousness. 
  22. Really, Gabe? Can someone get Gabe a chair far away.
  23. Dead at Toni's shade. This does seem like something he's doing for himself not because he's truly sorry. 
  24. If Gabe says something about finishing one more time. 
  25. One more episode, thank goodness. Why did they drag it out so long? Also, who edited this so poorly. They could have had Toni tell Vince but Toni already Tamar a few episodes back, so why this? 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Throw Back Pic of Evelyn, Shaniece, and Shaniece's Father

Shaniece, Evelyn's daughter, posted this online a couple days ago. Evelyn looks so young. I know she said she was 17 when she had her but she looks 12, Shaniece looks a bit like her father, I wonder what he is but he's probably Puerto Rican.

Random Thoughts of The Day

  1. I haven't written about Karrueche and Rihanna's feud because it's pointless. If Rihanna wants the guy that beat her, then so be it. I do think Rihanna is doing a bit too much and she needs to have a seat in the farthest corner. 
  2. I haven't done a Kardashian post in a while, and I have no current plans to do one, but I have some thoughts. Kim and Kris in court will be interesting. Kris doesn't have a lawyer, and may not need one, but Kim is the daughter of a lawyer and and a lot richer than Kris, and has access to the best lawyers California has to offer. Kris may want to let it go. Kris knew what was going on, because there is no way that he thought he and Kim would last forever, but I think it was for a year and Kim decided she couldn't do it anymore and Kris was blindsided. I think his pride his hurt. The world knew he was getting a divorce before he did.
  3. The Kardashians and their many feuds. I respect everyone's hustle but Kim, and her delusional mother, can't possibly believe that legitimate actors, who struggled for years to get where they are, will respect them. Hollywood doesn't respect reality stars, especially not those whose claim to fame is a sex tape. I don't care what Kim and her mama try to sell us, if it wasn't for that tape, which i believe that Kim leaked since she admitted that the deal was that she kept the tape, no one would know who the Kardashians are. Now playing devil's advocate, I respect everyone's hustle and people should leave the Kardashians alone. What they're doing is legal and there is a niche for it. If they want to make a career out of selling their personal business for ratings, so be it.
  4. I am addicted to pintrest. I love that site. I don't have one yet but I have found the coolest things on the site. I have found recipes, hairstyles, fashion, make up, and the coolest wooden rug.
  5. The weather has officially broken in Maryland and I am itching to put on a dress. My goal is to wait to wear it traditionally, without stockings, boots, etc, when the temperature reaches 80°. Does 79° count?
  6. I watched The Bachelor last night, you know the show that is the format for all the For Love of shows on VH1, and I was rolling my eyes the entire time. I don't know how long they're there but to watch these people profess love for someone who they just met a month ago, is sickening. I did not watch the whole season, but I watched enough Flavor of Love, to know what went down. I'm surprised that people are still watching this show, I would think it would be stale by now.Also, I saw this on pintrest and thought it was funny because it's true. I didn't think Bachelor Ben was cute or ugly. He was okay.
  7. I've been watching Bad Girls Club and I have no intention to review it. I think the girls do too much and there's not much to review. They club, get drunk, fight, talk about each other behind their backs and want to get bad once they find out, destroy each other stuff, cry, and go home. That's about it. I did think the talk that Erica had about Elease bringing her sister to fight the twins was extremely childish. They are grown woman and they started it and now they should finish it. What is this high school? If they're big enough to do all that, then they need to be big enough to handle Elease's sister. 
  8. I'm revamping the site to include more things. It will still be the same stuff but with more stuff. 

Chris Brown as a...Superhero?

If you're #teambreezy then you may want to bypass this video. In this cartoon, by the creators of Charlie the Unicorn, no, I haven't heard of that either, America's love affair with Chris Brown, the convicted woman beater, is depicted. Yeah...

I'm far from #teambreezy but can we stop pretending that Chris Brown is the only person to beat a woman? Please and thank you.

Friday, March 9, 2012

BFV S2 E19

  • It's obvious that Toni is only doing the show because of contractual obligations. I think she thought she would be the main focus of the show but Tamar, Trina, and Towanda are the main focus because they're the most out there. Traci is a good supporting character because she's funny and adapts well to any situation. 
  • The shade someone threw when the went to the restaurant with the "Trina's band could have played here" is priceless. I don't even think Trina got that. 
  • Traci's weaves struggle sometimes.
  • Really Trina. Who needed what in the Wizard of Oz is like pop culture 101. Everyone has seen that movie at least once. 
  • If you're getting married, aren't you already in love?
  • Should you still be "growing up" at 40?
  • Miracle is a cute name for a dog. I doubt Tamar will be doing any of the gross grunt work that comes with owning a dog but I wouldn't be either. 
  • How much is Vince worth? Private planes aren't cheap to own or maintain. Go 'head Vince. OAN: I saw Vince on an old reality show, 2006, as A&R for Blackground records and he looked different but he didn't. If that makes sense.
  • I just realized how pretty Traci is. None of them are ugly; unnatural looking, yes, ugly, no. I need her to stop trying to fit in with her sisters so much and find her own identity. I hate Traci with the blonde wigs. I hate Traci's wigs. She needs a wig consultant because her wigs aren't working.
  • Papa Braxton needs to be honest. He knew that he wasn't investing from jump, he just didn't want to say it.
  • Also, I applaud Traci for finding something else to do. This singing thing has gone nowhere for the last 20 years, it's time to find some other goals. 
  • The shade that is thrown in this family is priceless. 
  • Why does Traci need so much space? She needs to start small and expand. 
  • I agree with Papa Braxton. Traci does need to go back to the drawing board and rethink this salon.
  • Is salon a WEtv story line? I feel like Traci was never going to do it. 
  • Where is the dog whisperer when you need him? Vince and Tamar know nothing about dogs. First, this is a puppy and it has to be trained. Puppies are like babies, they pee wherever and whenever they feel. Also, if the stuff in your house is that valuable, why bring in a puppy who will tear your stuff up? 
  • I believe that a wedding has nothing to do with the marriage. It's a party but other than that, you can plan a big wonderful wedding and have no concept of a big, wonderful marriage. Everyone should get married according to what they want. 
  • It's obvious Mama Braxton didn't want to get married and it's obvious she could take or leave doc.She seemed so nonchalant about a life changing decision. 
  • I agree with Tamar about her being pregnant. I doubt her and Vince did it regularly before, so I know they're not doing it regularly now .
  • That dress is actually cute for a pre-wedding cocktail party, bridal shower team, or the reception. It's not a bad looking dress at all. 
  • I usually like Mama Braxton. I am not liking her at all right now. There's something going on about her that my spirit does not appreciate. 
  • I'm guessing the joke fell flat. 
  • How dare they expect Mama Braxton to give input about her wedding!
  • I actually like that dress. It needs some alteration in the back because it's not flattering to her figure but it's nice. 
  • Kudos to them for getting it together and acting like women who are mid 30's to mid 40's.
  • There is no love going from Mama Braxton to Doc. She wanted to have a "meeting?" That's not what you call a dinner with someone you're about to marry. 
  • Trina seems like she doesn't want to be black. It's not because she only dates/marries non-black men, it just seems like she goes out of her way to not act "black." I wonder what happened to her to make her like this. 
  • Was Tamar drunk in rehearsal? Her words sounds slurred. 
  • They tore that rendention of The Lord's Prayer up. It sounded great. 
  • Duh, we all could see that Mama Braxton wasn't getting married. They knew that too, why is Towanda acting surprised? 
  • Doc will probably have a party when she tells him that she's not going to  

Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Birth Control Debate

Rush Limbaugh, and a few ignorant people, namely Patricia Heaton, have been engaging in the birth control debate, which I think is idiotic. First, Rush Limbaugh needs to read some literature on how birth control works. Birth control is not like a condom, which is only used when having sex, birth control has to be taken consecutively in order for it to work. Also, birth control has other purposes than contraceptive. Birth control can be taken to regulate the menstrual cycle.  I guess when you make millions a year, reading is no longer fundamental. On another note, I don't like to take personal shots, but if Rush has been married 4 times and has no kids, doesn't that mean his wives, or he, was using some form of birth control. How hypocritical!

Let's talk about the actual issue at hand. Barack Obama wants birth control to be included in insurance plans. Okay, what's the issue? It's not a political or economic issue, it's a social and religious issue, which has no place in politics. If there is supposed to be a separation of church and state, what's the issue with including birth control in insurance plans. Birth control is expensive, sometimes $30 for a supply, which everyone can't afford. And as I stated before, birth control is actually used to help with female ailments but of course we have men deciding on this issues. That's not to sound like a feminists but these politicians are looking at it very black and white when there are many areas of gray. I find it amazing that these people are against abortion and against something that would prevent abortions and unwanted children.

I'm all for everyone doing what's right for themselves. I do not walk in anyone else's shoes, so how can I condemn those who choose to use birth control or have abortions? It's not my burden to bear, so why should I care what they do? That's not to say "screw them" it's to say, it's their life, their decision, and their consequences. I'm also tired of people using the "my tax dollars" argument because there are a lot of things that your tax dollars go to that you would be appalled if you found out. If people actually thought with a clear head with actual facts

Basketball Wives S4 E3

  • I've been trying to figure out what Royce did to Shaunie, Jennifer, and Evelyn. I've watched the last 3 seasons, and I've been a bit iffy on the fourth one because I don't have cable, but I can't recall anything that Royce has done to make them dislike her. I think it's because Royce didn't play the petty role that they gave her. I always thought it was dumb for them not to like dancers when most dancers have a day job and can't even date the ball players. They didn't know Royce and decided that they didn't like her. I applaud Royce for standing up for herself.
  • Suzie, or Sluzie or Sthuzie as some people call her, is really irritating me. I've heard of people becoming friends with people they fought, which was in elementary school, not with women in their mid 30's. I know I have said it in every review but Suzie is dead wrong for how she's treating Royce. Wasn't Royce the only one who stood up for Suzie when Evelyn was trying to beat her down at every turn? I really hope that Suzie doesn't think she'll become more than a mole to Evelyn. She'll never be Evelyn's best friend. I think everyone on the show is tolerating Suzie, and believes that she's stupid, I doubt they really like her. 
  • I have no sympathy for Evelyn. It's called karma. She slept with Tami's husband, probably Eric, Jen's ex-husband, and a few other high profile men in relationships, so she gets no sympathy.
  • I have to play a bit of devil's advocate because I don't believe successful men get an infidelity pass. There are plenty of men who make six figures and above who are faithful and many men who don't have two nickels to rub together who are notorious cheaters. Cheating is a choice that has nothing to do with socio-economic status.
  • Why is Evelyn trying to marry a man who is telling her that he is not ready for a marriage? It's okay that you wanna stick around and reap the benefits of being in a high profile relationship, but there is no need to marry him. This marriage may work because Chad and Evelyn have an agreement, "keep your hoes in check" and Evelyn gets the perks of being with Chad. It still sounds like a train wreck to me. 
  • I know they're trying to add balance to the show, per Shaunie's request, but it's not working. These charity events look bootleg and they don't fit into the show. How can you have a scene with them fighting and back biting and then them at a charity event? It doesn't mesh well. 
  • I appreciate Tami's openness about what she's been through in her life but this is not a complete story line. This was just thrown in there and it feels awkward. 
  • I feel like Tami is trying too hard to be "real." I also feel like Tami has this false bravado because she's in with the "popular girls" and she believes that no one can talk back to her or touch her and that's wrong. Tami is too old to be acting like that. I also want Tami to stand down on her initiation of the new girls. Tami has stepped her game up but she still struggles sometimes. 
  • Kenya, Kenya, Kenya. If you're serious about becoming a star and winning that Grammy, you need to become serious. Whenever you market yourself as a creative type, you should be prepared to offer something of your craft. Kenya should have been ready with her music and prepared to dance. Also, as a singer, aesthetics are very important. I'm not saying Kenya has to be Beyonce'd out and dressed to the nines all the time, but she does have enough money for a good weavologists and to buy better clothes. Her hair should be better and her clothes shouldn't age her. 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Lawsuit in 5,4,3,2,1....

I see Star magazine is being real messy this week. Obviously Star has been listening to the black rumor mill because rumors of a relationship between Will Smith and Duane Martin have been rampant for years. If it's true, I doubt that it would break up Will and Jada's open marriage. It's rumored that Jada has lovers. Jada has said that her and Will wouldn't compromise the life that they have built because of outside sex. I'm not saying that the rumors are false, I'm just saying that it's not enough to break up Will and Jada's marriage.

OAN: I rarely see Duane and Tischa together, which is rare for a celebrity couple. The last time they were photographed together is when they had their second son in 2010. I wonder if something is wrong.

Congrats to Snooki

#NoHate. Congrats to Snooki, who has confirmed she s pregnant and engaged. Okay. I want to know why does Snooki's face look like that. Her face is photoshopped to high heavens and it doesn't look good. I hope Snooki knows that she can no longer tan, drink, or be on Jersey Shore. Snooki may get her own show but she can't be on a show about people partying and drinking their days away if she's pregnant and has a newborn at home. I wonder who will replace Snooki.

"I have different priorities now, Snooki told Us Weekly. “I don’t care what anybody else thinks. As long as I know I’m ready and he’s ready.”
"We are not going to screw this up,” Jionni added.

Okay, Snooki. The way Jionni is talking about marriage and parenthood like it's a business is making me nervous.  This is another person that they're responsible for and their relationship seems very unstable, but #noshade.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Picture of The Day

The shade being thrown at Alicia Keys in this picture snapped at the Chanel Fall 2012/Winter 2013 fashion show in Paris is epic. I love how the people on her right are looking at her. I do love Alicia's hair and make up but she's wearing the plainest outfit ever and she has a big jewel on her forehead. No, that does not make sense.  Then again, Alicia has never been considered a fashion icon.

When Did Evelyn Lozado Become Black?

I'm tired of people saying that Basketball Wives is showing black women in a bad light. Last I checked, Evelyn was doing most of the fighting and she's Puerto Rican. There is no need to claim her because she doesn't claim the black community. I don't get why when there is a mainly black cast of a reality show, it represents the entire black community but Hispanics, Italians, any other kind of European, Gay shows, and Asians seem to get a pass. You never hear about RHONJ or Jersey Shore being a reflection of the whole Italian community, the common consensus is that these women represent themselves.Or Kim on RHOA is never criticized for showing white women as gold diggers, for some reason it's understood that she represents herself and she gets a pass for her ratchet behavior, which is another post for another day.

Why can't it be like that for black people? Why are these five or six people, acting a fool for $3,500 an episode considered an accurate portrayal of all black people? Why can't they represent themselves?

Relationship Thoughts

Is an open relationship an open relationship if one party is allowed to have an outside partner? In Chad and Evelyn's relationship, Chad is the only one allowed to have outside partners and I'm sure if Evelyn wanted to step out of the relationship, Chad wouldn't be buying her condoms. If one person is allowed to stray, that isn't an open relationship, it's called cheating. Open relationships mean that both partners are free to have outside partners. An affair is when one person has outside partners. There is a difference.

They say in a good relationship that you should settle for 80% of what you need. 80% does not include photo-ops, someone to bring to family dinners, a nice house, cars, clothes, etc. The 20% does not mean fidelity, respect, happiness, etc. The 20% you discard should be superficial things, like looks, height, salary, job title, race, etc. You should be happy in a relationship and you should be fulfilled. If you look at the women on these shows who accept infidelity as apart of the lifestyle, you can see that they're miserable. Emily is miserable because she cries about Fab in every scene and she had to put their relationship on blast for him to claim her, Chrissy is miserable because happy people don't fight everyone, and Evelyn is miserable for the same reason as Chrissy. If your partner really loved you, they wouldn't do things to jeopardize your relationship. When a person, man or woman, truly treasures your relationships they won't do things to hurt you. This includes denying the relationship and cheating. They know that you will accept whatever they give you or they don't care about you that much. Ladies, there are men that make six figures that are faithful and there are men that make 3 figures that cheat. Just because a man is successful does not mean he gets a pass on anything. He's not cheating because the groupies are there and they can't resist the temptation, he's cheating because he chooses to. It's that simple. Unless the groupies are putting things in his drink and raping him, he's choosing to be with them. These men are also cheating because you allow them to. Too many women sell their souls for a big house, nice car, Louboutin shoes, and a Birkin bag. It's not worth being unhappy over things you can't take with you when you die. As long as they can shop on Wisconsin Ave, which is DC's version of Rodeo Drive, on a daily basis, it doesn't matter what the man does. This attitude is

I have yet to see any relationship that involves an escape clause work. My apologies to those in relationships with stipulations or escape clauses but they don't work. What's the point of being in a relationship with someone and you need to offer them a way out or agree to terms that you're not okay with? Relationships are supposed to add to your life in all aspects. You should be fulfilled and happy with your partner. Settling in a relationship is not going for someone who is sub par in looks, does not make as much money as you, lives in a small house, etc. Settling is going for someone who cheats on you, disrespects you, and generally does not care about you or your safety.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Do People Talk Anymore?

When did Twitter become the place to air private grievances? Why not DM the person or call them, since Mel B says that her sister has her number?  This is too messy and is not cute at all. I need people to stop claiming their twitter was hacked after they have a 51/50 twitter moment. I doubt that this "hacker" would know all their business. If you have a twitter rant, own up to it.

Mel B's sister to the corner now!

Shyne and Diddy Make Up

Forgiveness is good for the soul but if I was Shyne I'd keep Diddy at arms length. I wonder if Diddy is supporting Shyne, which wouldn't shock me because of all the dirt he has on Diddy. #proforgivenessnorprofoolishness.

NeNe Leakes and Fantasia

I'm not going to say who NeNe should hang out with but NeNe seems very thirsty. Now NeNe hangs with these b/c-list celebs and she looks extra thirsty in the pics. Fantasia, who looks pretty in the pics, is looking like "who is this person."


  • Cynthia and her new African look isn't working for me. It looks very weird.
  • Why does a person who does nothing for a living need so much staff? I know I say it like every review, but Kim has found a way to make it through life without doing any work. Kim allows every one else to do the heavy lifting and she reaps the benefits. Kim doesn't have a job, so why does she need a nanny, assistant, and two housekeepers? Kim doesn't need to be frazzled her life doesn't seem that busy. 
  • On another note, I love that Kim has switched up her hair. 
  • I think that Kim created this friendship atmosphere with Sweetie and now she's mad that Sweetie is taking advantage of it. 
  • I'm guessing that Peter doesn't know how to do hair. 
  • That's a telling sign when you forget to bring your husband something back from a 10 day trip. I think Cynthia knows that she and Peter won't have a second anniversary and if they have a second, I bet they won't have a third. 
  • What is going on with Cynthia's weave?
  • What is that on Miss Joyce's head? All the money Kandi has and she can't buy her mother a better wig? Then again, Kandi's hair struggles sometimes. 
  • Again, Kim is not racist, Kim is not doing any work she does not have to do. If Kim can send a check in lieu of doing actually charity work, she will. I can see Kim saying something like "I didn't come to Africa to work." 
  • I guess Sheree is starting some drama because her story line is as dry as Kim's. Sheree should have stayed out of it because it had nothing to do with her and she was half telling the truth. 
  • Kim rolls her son in a stroller around her house? If that's not a testament to her laziness, I don't know what is. I know KJ can't be that big at 3 months. That chick is lazy and kudos to her because she found a way to be "successful" in life without doing the work.
  • Also, Kudos to Kim and Kroy because it's rumored that Kroy may be getting a $10-12 million dollar contract. They need it because Kroy only has $2 million dollar contract for a couple years and Kim only makes $150,000 per season and they're living a multi-million dollar lifestyle, which I'm sure is stretching the bank. 
  • Kim can't frame and hang her own pictures? She needs to pay someone to do that? Kim just likes to waste money. That's the difference between people who make money and people who spend money. The latter have no concept of a dollar and what it takes to make one. 
  • Sweetie never seemed to do much anyway, so her perceived laziness is no shock to me. 
  • Kim has no concept of how to pick a friend. Wasn't Sheree talking about Kim like a dog a couple seasons back? Also, wasn't Sheree the one who tried to "shift" Kim's wig? How quickly we forget. 
  • Kim has a cook too? Let me see, Kim has two housekeepers, an interior designer to hang up pictures, an assistant to return phone calls, and a nanny to take care of KJ. What is Kim doing? If Kim has a job or something she does besides be Kroy's wife, please correct me. Kim really doesn't do ish and if I was Kroy, I wouldn't be comfortable with her and all her staff that she doesn't need and I'm sure it will bite them in the butt in a few years once the money dries up. They need to find ways to cut the fat and keep spending to a minimum. 
  • I don't like Sheree and I don't like Kim. They are the most annoying people on this show and although Kim has the "new life, new house, new man, new baby" story line, it still falls short. 
  • There is nothing endearing about Peter. He is very rude to Cynthia and just doesn't seem very likable. 
  • So NeNe is allowed to plan Cynthia's anniversary party but Cynthia isn't? This negro tried it. Why is Cynthia okay with this? I wouldn't be okay with it at all. If Peter feels NeNe is more on his level than Cynthia and that she's smarter than Cynthia, then Peter and NeNe should stop screwing in private and just do it in public. Everyone, but Cynthia, can see that Peter and NeNe have no respect for her.
  • No Peter and Cynthia can't afford this party. I don't think Bar One is open yet and I know Cynthia's modeling coins are not like they used to be. 
  • Good for NeNe at not being so quick to bail out her son. NeNe has stood by her son these last few seasons and he still screws up. Maybe NeNe should stop chasing fame and put more emphasis on her son, no matter how old he is. Peter should mind his business and let NeNe act accordingly.If Bryce is going to get arrested, he should get arrested for something worthwhile. Two $14 razors? He can't even make a profit off of selling them. Also, if Peter feels that strongly, he can bail him out. Obviously he doesn't feel that strong about it because he hasn't gone down to the jail to get him out. 
  • I've never seen Peter put Cynthia in the car like that. 
  • I kind of like Kandi's bob in the confessional. 
  • Kandi should have mopped the deck with Sheree. 
  • I like Phaedra's look. The dress and ponytail are nice. Seeing these summer dresses make me wish for summer/spring.
  • Ummm, Kim. Sheree may be relaying the message in her messiness but know that Sheree did not defend you. I've seen the scene many times and not once did Sheree part her lips in defense of you. She may be calling people out but she never once said you weren't racist or you would have came if you didn't have the baby. Sheree does not care about you, she's just being messy. I feel like Sheree doesn't like Kandi, which is why she had such a look of pride on her face after Kim and Kandi started arguing. 
  • I agree with Kandi and the fact that Kim can't pull the nurse card if she hasn't been a nurse in ten years. I think Kim may have been a nurse because she needed a steady career and unless you kill or seriously maim a patient, you have a job for as long as you need it. If Kim loved nursing that much, she would still be doing it, whether or not she's dealing with multimillionaires. 

Friday, March 2, 2012

When Did NeNe and Kim Kardashian Become Friends?

I guess I've been living under a rock because I missed the fact that Kim Kardashian and NeNe Leakes knew each other, much less were friends. Okay. Who am I to say who should be friends and who shouldn't be friends but NeNe is showing all 32 in every photo. I smell photop.

BFV S2 E16

  • I'm giving Mama Braxton's wedding a side eye. First, she wasn't seriously dating Doc, whose doctors credentials are questionable, and now she's marrying him in less than 6 weeks? This seems too rushed and she doesn't seem that interested in the wedding or marriage. She's just lackadaisical about the whole thing. This has to be for the show.
  • Is this show turning Mama Braxton into an alcoholic? 
  • I want Mama Braxton to let go of the anger she has against Papa Braxton. I know he did her wrong and I know they don't speak but she seems so angry and bitter towards him. It's been ten years and they've both moved on. They need to find common ground in their children and the 30+ years they spent together. 
  • Did Papa Braxton tell Mama Braxton when he married the mistress? I feel like the kids should have stayed out of it. If Mama Braxton didn't want Papa Braxton to know, they should have respected it. 
  • There is a reason why Toni is the only Braxton with musical success. She worked on her single and now it's released. I've seen Tamar working on music but I have yet to hear any of it. 
  • What age are men supposed to let go of ponytails? 
  • Every time Tamar talks to Vince, he looks like she annoys the mess out of him and he wants her to stop talking. 
  • Vince has lost a lot of weight and is looking a lot better.But it's obvious that he has learned nothing. He nearly died and all he wants to do is get back to work with no modification in lifestyle? I get that Vince loves his work but he does need to slow down a bit. He may not be so lucky next time.
  • This is ridickulous 2.0. This isn't going to end well. 
  • Traci is my favorite Braxton. She is too funny. I love Traci.
  • I am dead at Vince and Tamar exchanging "have a seats." 
  • What does Papa Braxton do that he's attending a conference? He can't be a pastor anymore and if he is, who is he pastoring?
  • Did he just ask if Mama Braxton was wearing white? #shade. 
  • I do think Papa Braxton is feeling some kind of way about Mama Braxton remarrying. Everyone has a hard time hearing that their ex is moving on. Even if you don't want them, it still makes you feel some kind of way when you find that they found someone else. Deep down, we all want to believe that our exes can't find someone else better than us. 
  • That "I had her my way and he'll have her his way" is a line from The Color Purple but it still drips of shade. 
  • We need a retreat for reality show parents, so they're not around while their kids are filming. I get Mama Braxton's irritation but this show has blurred the lines between mother and daughters. The situations they are put in are not mother/daughter appropriate and they are too involved in each other's lives. Trina feels like she can tell her business because she put her there. Clear boundaries and privacy don't work in the reality show business but Mama Braxton needs to regain privacy and establish clear boundaries between her and her daughters because this isn't working. 
  • I like watching Toni work because she seems so professional and clear in the direction she wants to talk.
  • I wonder why Keri and Toni divorce, they seem to get 
  • Excuse me if I'm reaching, but isn't 65 too old for a bachelorette party? I think a bachelorette tea would be more appropriate. 
  • Vince and the dog is too cute. 
  • Did they just tell their mother to take it on down? What happened to the days when being a mother was respected? You don't have to blindly agree with your mother and kiss her butt but there is a special boundary that comes with your mother. You don't talk to your mother the same way you talk to your friends or sisters. They seem to think that Mama Braxton is another sister, and at time she allows them to think that, and it's not right. Mama Braxton can't play both sides. If you want the respect of a mother, act like a mother. 

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Congrats to Amber Rose and Wiz Khalifa, who just became engaged. Let's keep it kewte and stick with congratulations.

What is Going on Here?

Lil' Kim tries but this an epic fail. Her face is pulled too tight and everything else is just wrong. Did she get some new face implants? Who are her friends because she needs new ones. Kim was fine before the surgery and now she has messed up her face to the point of no return. Is that glue on the side of her face? Ohhhh...

Album Cover Fab

I don't know what is going on with this cover but at least Nicki's lace front is correctly applied. I'm sure it's a matter of time before Nicki looks like a Barbie doll, skin and all.

Nothing spectacular going on here. Chris looks nice but I've seen this type of cover too many times too count.