
Monday, February 14, 2011

The Husband Complex

Happy Valentines Day to all. In the sprit of the most loved or loathed day, I'm going to be writing about this thing called the "Husband Complex." I don't know a better name for it, so I'm going to call it the "Husband Complex."

What is the "Husband Complex?" It's the belief that women are driven to success by a man or they need a man to succeed. More specifically a husband. I am a single woman with a lot of dreams that do not involve a husband. Does that mean I don't want a husband? No. It means I don't have a husband or a boyfriend and I'm not planning my life around something that I can't forsee. Example, I love to cook things from scratch. I am a food snob and refuse to eat out of a can, box, or bag and as a result I'm always cooking. My sister asked If I was cooking for my husband? What husband? Do my actions have to revolve around getting a husband? I told her I have to eat too and I'm not waiting to get a husband to learn how to cook. She agreed with me. Go figure.

Example 2, I have this dreamhouse that I want to build in the next ten years. When I told my Dad about it, he replied what about your husband? What husband? What boyfriend? Should I revolve my life around a husband I don't have. Do I have to revolve every hope and dream around my nonexistent husband? Does everything I do have to revolve around a husband?

Don't get my wrong, I am not anti-husband. If anything I am pro-life partner. That means we merge our ideas together and build a life together not I drop everything and follow you like a puppy. Ala Jay-Z and Beyonce. They're married but Beyonce is still the same person and has yet to slow down. They say behind every great man is a great woman but is a great man behind every great woman. Let that marinate.