Let's talk about Adam and Eve in a way they've never been discussed. This is not a post based on religion, so don't skip it because it doesn't correspond with your beliefs. We all know the story of Adam and Eve. They ate the apple and sinned, now everything bad exists in the world. There are several versions of this story, so let's get off the sinning part. Let's talk about the life they led. Adam and Eve were the first people on the earth and as parents often do with their first born, they received everything God had to offer. He gave them a beautiful place to live, he fed them, the weather was beautiful, they didn't age, they didn't get sick, they didn't have to work, they didn't need clothing, everything they could have wanted was theirs for the taking. They only had one rule, that was not to eat the fruit of the forbidden tree. All the stuff they were given, all they had was one rule and it was simple. It wasn't as if they were starring at the tree in hunger, God gave them an abundance of food.
Then came the serpent. He took Eve's attention off of their blessings and onto the one thing they couldn't have. She wanted more. She wanted to know how the fruit tasted, she wanted to be smarter, she wanted to know the difference between good and evil, she wanted to be like God. So she ate and Adam ate. Then the serpent told them they were naked. They hid. I find it ironic that their was the thing that most concerned them. They were naked all along. Surely, they had sex before, they were husband and wife. They were also the only two people in the garden and the animals didn't care about their nudity and surely God didn't care. But their nudity was the most important thing to them. Not the fact they lost all the blessings God gave to them. Little is said about what happened to Adam and Eve after this incident, but the life they lived ceased to exist and they were banished from the garden. Now Adam had to work until he died to provide for his family. I'm sure they regretted their sin; they'd be foolish not to.
Adam and Eve let the serpent, who couldn't care less about them and only caused their sin as a revenge against God, cost them a life of serenity. The serpent tricked them and there was no going back. All the serpent gained was an enemy and the loss of his legs. Eve had to bear children in pain and Adam had to work until he dropped dead. There was no point of return. They had one rule and their greed led them to break it and forsake what was given to them.
They let someone who was pure evil trick them out of the best lifestyle ever. Do you have someone like the serpent in your life? Someone who is trying to trick you out of what has been bestowed to you? Someone who is showing you futile things about your life instead of the bigger things? Don't fall for the tricks of your enemies who may look like a friend. Don't let your greed cost you what is yours? If your life is 80% good, your blessed with a home, loving spouse, beautiful children, a career you enjoy, don't allow the words of a bitter, jealous, or evil person who doesn't want to see you succeed be the cause of you losing that. If your life works for you, let it work for you. If you're happy and content, be happy and content.
The world may try to tell you a thousand different things about yourself and you might close this post and hear a million declarations of what you are or who you’ll always be, but know this you are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are beautiful, smart, successful, sexy, loved, whatever the adverb is, take it and attach it to yourself and carry it wherever you go and use it as your shield.