
Sunday, September 5, 2010

Celebrate You: Goals vs. Objectives

Let's talk about goal setting. I have big goals and sometimes they can be intimidating. My ultimate career goal is to be a media mogul. I have already done two things. I have a magazine and a website but I also want to have a radio show, TV show, publish books, produce movies, produce a Broadway play that I've written. That's a lot and I know I'll get there but it's one step at a time. These are all things I love so I know it's possible. Many great people die nameless out of fear. It takes a lot of courage to step away from the crowd and fulfill your dreams. Many people never find the courage.

This celebrate you is to help you minimize your goals so that you can achieve them. I know a few of you just became confused and it's okay. When I say minimize I mean to take them from mount everest to a hiking trail. I call this objective setting. Let me explain. Here are some goals vs objectives.

1. goal: I want to lose 10 pounds Objective: I want to lead a healthy lifestyle with regular.

exercise, less processed food, no fast food and more fruits and vegetables.

Notice my goal is very broad. There are many ways to lose weight. You can crash diet, take unhealthy supplements, over exercise, go on unhealthy regiments. All of these are temporary and usually lead to more weight gain. My objective is more concrete. I'm going to lose weight by walking every day, by eating less fatty and processed foods, and eating more real food. This breaks down my goal and makes it more obtainable.

2. goal: I want a better job objective: I want a job that allows me to use my talents and pays me what I'm worth.

A better job can be anything. It can be more money or more responsibilities. Notice my objective is to use my talents and get paid what I'm worth. It's both.

3. goal: to become a well known entertainment journalist in Baltimore objective: find and interview at least 2 people a week, keep writing VII mag, and make contacts.

4. goal: develop a deeper relationship with God objective: to pray, read, meditate daily,and give thanks before I start my day. This roots me in him.

5. goal: improve my finances objective: to pay off my credit card before the new year, to cut it up, and not buy anything I don't need. Pay all my bills on time, successfully budget, and check financial statements weekly.

Notice I didn't say anything about more money because we have broke millionaires. Becoming financially well has nothing to do with money, it has to do with money management. Learning how to successfully manage my money will help me in the long run.

I have other goals like getting a passport but these are minimal. The ones listed are some of my bigger ones