
Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Cycle of Stupidity

There's a saying that states "when someone tells you who they are, believe them the first time." The great Maya Angelou first spoke those words and Tyler Perry reiterated them. So many times people show us who they are but we don't believe them. We feel like it's a phase or they will change with time, only to find out years later that they are the same person you meet years ago. I was listening to the Steve Harvey morning show and the young lady stated her sperm donor is a jerk. Mind you, she has 2 1/2 kids by him and he started this mess with the first one.

Let me ask you this, why didn't this young lady learn her lesson the first time. When he ran up in her raw dog, she got pregnant, and he denied it, why didn't she learn not to have any more children by him? She could have saved herself a lot of heartache by paying attention. Oftentimes, stupidity is a cycle. We do the same things over and over again hoping for a different outcome. Some call it insanity, I call it stupidity. It is stupid to continually do things that hurt you. Why do something you know won't help you? If you put yourself in a cycle, please know the only way to break it is to take yourself out of the equation.

We often put a higher value on others and their needs than we do our own. We would rather see others happy and excelling before we see ourselves in this position. I have seen many jealous people because someone took their help and did something great. Don't be mad at them, be mad at yourself. Be mad at yourself for putting yourself in the cycle of stupidity. Raise the value on yourself and others will follow.