Have you ever gotten a rating from a friend or someone you were interested in? You know, a rating from 1-10 to tell you how hot you are. I've gotten those and they suck. I've gotten everything from you're beautiful to you're a 7 or you're okay because I wouldn't want to date a girl like Beyonce. Ratings are something we get whether or not we ask for them. For some reason people feel it's their God given duty to tell you how hot you are. Okay, I guess.
Let's be real, most celebs without make up look a mess. Kim Kardashian is beautiful when she's made up but when she's not, she looks a mess. Her 10 goes down to a butterface. Beyonce is still cute but she's nowhere near the stage Beyonce when she's without make up. Hollywood is an illusion. These people have great faces and bodies because they're paid to have those. Make up artists can cost between $80,000 and $100,000 for upscale ones and celeb hairstylists always demand a yearly fee of at least six figures. I once heard that Rihanna pays nearly a million dollars for her trainer and chef. Who has that kind of money? Not regular people.
I say all that to say, is it fair for us to be judged on a scale of Susan Boyle to Beyonce? We're regular women. We don't get paid millions to look good. We do the best with what we have. We buy nice clothes, get our hair done, buy $14 Mac make up, only to be told we don't look as good as Beyonce or we're alright. We can't all be superduper fancy.
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