He who lives in glass houses. That's all I have to say. I don't know why people choose to put their business on the internet for all to see, but I have a bit of advice: STOP IT!!! It's tacky and classless. If you have something to say to someone, email, call, text or direct message them. Don't twitter your business or state it in very public interviews. Magazines, radio, websites whatever are there to get the best story and if that means leaving a word or two off to sell mags, that's what people do. It's been happening forever. If you don't want something printed, don't say it. That is my lesson for today. That will be $VII.
Here are Uncle Luke's comments:
I feel that I have to clarify an interview that was taken out of context and edited to stir up controversy involving my family issues.
I was in Atlanta at Hot 107.9’s Birthday Bash and I was doing interviews. One interview was conducted by a lady and man from the Mad Hatta Show in Houston. For the record, this interview was videotaped backstage after I got off stage. This interview was NOT conducted in a radio station; therefore it should be known that there is a VIDEOTAPED version. The audio version is the one that was released to all the media outlets and this audio version was EDITED.
First and foremost, I have not and do not do interviews regarding my children and/or family issues however, she continued to ask and speak about something that my daughter had put out on the Internet. When she asked me how I felt about my daughter speaking bad about me, my comment was “I have no comment, it’s Fathers Day tomorrow and I’m happy to be celebrating with all the Fathers out here”. She then went on to address specific comments that my daughter made in terms of me not being her father and that her father was some other man. I then stated “If my kids feel like I’m not their father, then that means that I have only one kid who’s name is Blake and if they feel that way then they want to consider me a sperm donor then so be it. I then went on to say that I have paid millions of dollars in child support and why their mothers’ would allow them to go online and curse me is just wrong. I went on to quote a verse from the Bible regarding honor thy mother and father and the only person that could direct their kids to curse their parents is the devil. For the record, I have paid millions of dollars in support for my children. The amount of money I pay in child support is way more than necessary to care for a child each month, but at the end of the day it gets paid – what the parents choose to do with it is on them. I am in now way a deadbeat dad and have never been. As you can hear by the interview all these points were actually cut out and fashioned to mislead the listening audience and attack my character to make it appear that I’m an uncaring and hateful person.
I love my children very much. I do care about how my children feel about me. It hurts to know that my children feel the way that they do however; I can do nothing but ask for God’s help. Not the media and not any other human being. I don’t know what is going on with my children if they don’t come and talk openly with me about their thoughts and feelings. My Wife and I have and have always had an open door policy to my children as well as many other children. I am human and I do have feelings. For these people at the Mad Hatta Show to edit my comments and release them in such a way that makes me appear to be some angry black man who has no love for his children, was way out of line and in bad taste. I hope that they’ve achieved what they set out to do, at the expense of my private family life, all for some ratings and controversy.
Under no circumstances can anyone judge or question my love for children. I have worked with children all of my adult life. I founded the Liberty City Optimist Program. I mentor children regularly. I have a football league that has over 5,000 children participating. I work with kids regularly. As a matter of fact, the day before the Hot 107 b-day bash, I had just driven a vanload of kids to visit Florida State and University of Florida football camps. I currently coach at Miami Central and I mentor kids. The likes of Antonio Brown and Chad Johnson (current NFL players) came through my program. So NO ONE can question Luther Campbells’ love for kids. I love my children and all children, but if my children don’t want to have anything to do with me then that is something that I can do nothing about. Only God can heal their hearts and in the end only God can judge me. Not no man or woman, only God.
For the record, I will make NO further comments about my family life or issues involving my kids. This is a closed chapter and is not for the media, it’s a private matter to me
(Necole Bitchie.com)
Here's the full interview:
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