If you haven't heard about America's growing waistline, you must not leave the house, turn on the radio, watch TV, open a magazine, or do anything that requires the outside world. Americans are the most obese people in the world and no one denies that. They only try to put a band aid on the problem. They 0ffer weight loss pills, supplements, cabbage diet, no carbs, no protein, low calorie, whatever. The real problem is what we're eating. It's not the lack of exercise, although that is a factor in obesity, it's what goes into our bodies.
We're eating more but getting less. Let me explain, the average person eats out 5 days a week; I know people who eat out 7 days but that's another issue. Most people are eating fast food. Fast food is not food. Yes, I said it. Fast food is not food. It's a creation of food and food like products created to give you cheap food. Did you know that chicken mcnuggets contain an ingredient found in silly putty? Neither did I until a moment ago. I dare you to actually look at the ingredient list. Processed foods are denser hence they're less filling.
If you want to combat obesity, eat real food. If you must have mcdonalds, and I really wish you would stay away from fast food, have it once every 2 months. If you want to combat obesity, stay away from processed food. If you can't read the label without a PHD and a science textbook, don't eat it. If I can't eat processed food what do I eat? You can eat everything, if you cook it yourself. Yes it's annoying to make everything from scratch but real food is heavier so you'll eat less and hence lose weight. If you're not a fan of cooking, eat at local restaurants. Chain restaurants tend to have a lot of processed foods but find local hot spots and try the cuisine. It's more likely to be fresh and real.
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