This is my real pet peeve, gay bashing. I am a christian and I have no problem with gays. I feel like they're just people. Most are people who live a certain lifestyle. They go to work, pay their taxes, hang with friends, etc. They just choose to have relationships with the same sex. A few years ago, I began writing a paper against gay marriage and I had my facts laid out when my teacher took Christianity out of the equation. That collapsed my entire theory. I then realized I had no reason to oppose it. Why shouldn't they get married? If you find someone you want to share your life with, why not?
When I look at the opponents of gay marriage, I have to wonder how their affairs are? Are they gay? Is their marriage in order? Do they spend more time protesting than on their marriage? If gay people get married does it hurt them? Guess what, Iowa, New Hampshire, DC, Massachusetts, Vermont,and Connecticut have allowed gay marriage and their marriage system has yet to collapse.
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