
Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Birth Control Debate

Rush Limbaugh, and a few ignorant people, namely Patricia Heaton, have been engaging in the birth control debate, which I think is idiotic. First, Rush Limbaugh needs to read some literature on how birth control works. Birth control is not like a condom, which is only used when having sex, birth control has to be taken consecutively in order for it to work. Also, birth control has other purposes than contraceptive. Birth control can be taken to regulate the menstrual cycle.  I guess when you make millions a year, reading is no longer fundamental. On another note, I don't like to take personal shots, but if Rush has been married 4 times and has no kids, doesn't that mean his wives, or he, was using some form of birth control. How hypocritical!

Let's talk about the actual issue at hand. Barack Obama wants birth control to be included in insurance plans. Okay, what's the issue? It's not a political or economic issue, it's a social and religious issue, which has no place in politics. If there is supposed to be a separation of church and state, what's the issue with including birth control in insurance plans. Birth control is expensive, sometimes $30 for a supply, which everyone can't afford. And as I stated before, birth control is actually used to help with female ailments but of course we have men deciding on this issues. That's not to sound like a feminists but these politicians are looking at it very black and white when there are many areas of gray. I find it amazing that these people are against abortion and against something that would prevent abortions and unwanted children.

I'm all for everyone doing what's right for themselves. I do not walk in anyone else's shoes, so how can I condemn those who choose to use birth control or have abortions? It's not my burden to bear, so why should I care what they do? That's not to say "screw them" it's to say, it's their life, their decision, and their consequences. I'm also tired of people using the "my tax dollars" argument because there are a lot of things that your tax dollars go to that you would be appalled if you found out. If people actually thought with a clear head with actual facts