
Friday, March 23, 2012

Leave Kim Kardashian Alone?

I've written a few "leave people" alone posts but I'm a bit hesitant to fully defend Kim Kardashian. It does seem like it is open season on Kim and people do need to lay off her but I still can't defend Kim. I don't condone people throwing flour on her. That is out of line and unnecessary. If you don't like her, avoid her. Many people are calling stunt on the flour throwing, me I'm neutral. I did call stunt when her publicist was doused with flour by a man in a Kris Humphries jersey. First, who is stanning for Kris Humphries? No one knew who he was before the Kardashians and people barely know him now. Second, where do you get a Kris Humphries jersey? Seriously. What number does he even wear? Is he even that good? No one cares enough about him to assault someone. Third, who cares about Jonathon whatever his last name is? There are better people to douse than him. What I'm trying to say is that I don't believe that the Kardashians are above a publicity stunt to move public sentiment back on Kim's side. These are people who make millions off of publicizing every private event in their lives, I don't put anything past them.

Why is it open season on Kim? I get that serious actors don't like reality stars. Brian White said something about NeNe taking roles meant for serious actors and actresses and so far four actors have spoken against the Kardashians and what they promote. I get it. These people have worked for years to get on TV and it seems that one sex tape and a few photo ops with Paris Hilton and the Kardashians are the it family. Their TV show garners more ratings than shows with actual scripts and actors. It has to hurt to watch people eat up mindless gunk, while serious shows and actors go largely ignored. I also understand that there is room for everyone. People love people who are famous for nothing. You can say what you want about the Kardashians but people are talking about them. That's all that matters. You don't need talent when people are keeping your name in the forefront. I don't know what Kim and Kris Kardashian Jenner's plan for fame was but they need to publish it because it's working. They're willing to give the thirsty public a taste into their personal lives. They're willing to become a topic of conversation. People need people to talk about good and bad.

Leave Kim alone? Maybe. I do think people need to lay off her. There is enough room for everyone. I do believe that the Kardashians' expectations that everyone should respect them is a bit too high. They are people who came from nowhere, have a show about nothing, and make millions off of it. It's guilty pleasure television and no matter how many people watch it, Hollywood will never take them seriously. They should stop expecting it and stay in their lane and do what they do best.