
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Random Thoughts on The RHOA S4 P1 Reunion

I was able to watch the reunion and it was a mess. So good but so messy.

  • I think I said in one of the reviews that Chateau  Sheree would still be Chateau Le Dirt come the end of the season and I was right. Everything Sheree does fails and it's always everyone else's fault
  • Also, how can Sheree put a no trespassing sign on land that she doesn't own? And what are they trespassing on? The cops would laugh if she tried to enforce it. They would have to but it would still be laughable. What would they be taking? The dirt? The sticks?
  • NeNe with "neverland" was priceless.
  • NeNe is a hater. I get that she doesn't agree with the girls and what they do, but why the negativity? She doesn't have to buy Kandi's toys or like it, but why the animosity? NeNe loves to stick her nose up at everyone. If you can't congratulate, fine. Don't say anything at all. 
  • NeNe is the queen of playing the victim. She reminds me of my sister who loves to do something to you but once you do the same thing to her, she gets upset and has to tell. NeNe is very hypocritical and if she doesn't like when people talk about her kids and other things, then she shouldn't talk about other people's kids. 
  • Kudos to Kim for baby #2, which I heard was a boy. #nopointsforpsychicrose. I still think Kroy got a raw deal because no 25 year old is looking for an instant family, especially not a rich one like Kroy. 
  • Kim was lying about the furniture thing. Didn't she say that Big Poppa paid for it in a past episode? I know nurses make great money but not enough for Versace dishes and Italian furniture, plus Kim hasn't worked in 10 years. Someone had to pay for the furniture and I'm sure it was Big Poppa. Kim was also lying about it being years since she dealt with Big Poppa, it has at most been a year and a half. She's another one acting brand new.
  • I love how Phaedra put Sheree in her place. It's everyone's fault but Sheree's. I heard that Phaedra had to have her assistant chase Sheree around Atlanta to get her retainer check. And don't let Sheree tell you that it's a lie because there were witnesses, who quickly went to the internet to confirm this. Did Sheree expect special treatment because they were friends? Most people expect 50% payment before doing any work. Sheree knew that, she was trying to get over like she tries to do everyone else. I also applaud Phaedra for giving that check back because it would have bounced.
  • Can we confirm that what was in the room was an air mattress? Most of us slept on one before getting furniture and established. It was an air mattress. And if she can't confirm that, can she answer as to why her son was ungroomed. Also, where was her other daughter?
  • Does anyone remember that Sheree's older daughter was introduced as her assistant in season 1? I didn't either but someone reminded me. How shady?
  • I have nothing to say about Cynthia.
  • Kudos to Kandi for becoming a business woman and expanding her brand.
  • I like what NeNe said about using this show to expand. It's the truth. Cynthia, Phaedra, Kandi, and NeNe have all used the show to grow their brand and make money.
  • I can't stand Sheree and I won't miss her next season. She has no story line or money.
  • Let's acknowledge that NeNe is not as rich as she wants us to believe. She quit the apprentice and only made $25,000. That's not rich and I doubt her deal with Glee is very lucrative. She can't be making more than a million, if that. NeNe is not rich. She needs to have several seats. 
  • Andy is so shady. He throws the best shade.