
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Money Matters: Biblical Financial Priniciples

Many people think the bible is an outdated, stiff book that is created so you don't have fun but in reality, the bible is a wise book that can help you live a better life. A few months ago, I bought a book called "Find it in the Bible for Women" and there was an interesting section on financial principles. I thought i'd share it with you since so many of us are struggling with debt.

1. Contentment- Keep falsehood and lies far from me; give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread. proverbs 30:8
A myth about financial freedom is that you have to be rich, which is not true. I know a woman who made $90,000 and was still living paycheck to paycheck. If you live within your means, build a nest egg, and work hard you can have financial freedom. Living beyond our means caused this recession. Notice the writer only asked for his daily bread. He didn't want riches to impress people, he wanted enough. Learn to be content with what you have.

2. financial slavery- The rich rule over the poor,and the borrower is servant to the lender. proverbs 22:7

Being in debt is akin to slavery. I'm in debt now and I feel like a slave. Notice that when you're spending, the creditors never call you to tell you that you're reaching your limit. Also notice that if you miss a payment, they will blow your phone up. The debtee has no power over the debtor. They control you and have the right to change the rules anytime they want. The only real power is to be debt free.

3. co-signing is a no no: the world's poorest man is one who agrees to pay another's debt. proverbs 27: 13

I'm against cosigning. I don't do it because I have enough problems on my own without someone else's loans. I have seen too many judge judy episodes when someone was suing for a co-signed loan the other party had no intention on paying. Think about it like this: if they could afford to pay the loan, they wouldn't need you. Stay away from co-signing, it never ends well and always ruins relationships.

4. gambling or other illegal means: Dishonest money dwindles away,but he who gathers money little by little makes it grow. proverbs 13:11

I met someone who was an ex drug dealer. He used to be a multi-millionaire with houses in nearly every east coast state, then he went to jail and all his wealth went away. This story is very typical of many street hustlers. Many people are attracted to easy money but this money often ends up revoked. If you're doing something illegal, someone will find you and arrest you. That simple. The best way to become wealthy is to work at it. I know very few people want to hear it but that's the truth. Easy come, easy go.

5. avoid get rich schemes: A stingy man is eager to get rich and is unaware that poverty awaits him. proverbs 28:22

One of my favorite shows is American Greed, a show about financial scams, and one of the common threads is people wanting to get rich from little money and little work. This is the basis of the schemes. Give me $3,000 and I'll double that. Most of the time the investors are left with nothing even when they win a settlement.

6. saving:In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil,but a foolish man devours all he has. proverbs 21:20

Paying yourself first is one of the most common financial priniciples. If you save, then there is little need for credit. My goal is to have a savings account of at least $500 of cushion money. If an emergency or anything last minut comes up, I'll always have that cash. It doesn't matter if you're in debt, save 10% of what you earn. In no time, you'll notice that you have a nice nest egg.

7. paying taxes: This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God's servants, who give their full time to governing.Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor. Romans 13: 6-7

Why is it that the wealthy feel they're exempt from taxes? Everyone needs to pay their taxes or uncle sam, or whoever rules your government, will come and find you. And you don't want that. Look at Wesley Snipes, he can't come home because if he does, he'll be thrown in jail. Just pay your taxes people.

8. Spending:As goods increase, so do those who consume them. And what benefit are they to the owner except to feast his eyes on them? ecclesiastes 5:11

When the salary increases, often does expenses. There is nothing wrong with having a nice house and a nice car but spending all you get, is foolish. I'll admit it, when I have sa few extra dollars, instead of saving them I spend them. This is foolish and it stops today.

9. financial planning:The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it. proverbs 27:12

How many of us actually plan for the future? Not many, because we're not trained to. Consumerism has taught us that having it now is better than saving for the future. There is nothing wrong with planning for your future. We can't rely on social security and any other social programs, so we have to save for our future.

10. Hard Work: All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty. proverbs 14:23

Working hard or hardly working? Is a question that our friends ask us when we tell then we're working but this is a question we need to ask ourselves. The bible makes it clear that the only way to financial prosperity is to work hard. There is no choice in that. If you have financial prosperity, which has nothing to do with actual income, we have to work hard. Find something you love and work hard at it. Bypass all of the temptations and fast money and work hard. You may not be rich today or tomorrow but you'll be rich eventually.