
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Movie Review: Knight and Day

Last night I went to see Knight and Day and I have never been so confused in my life. Mind you, I feel asleep for 15-20 minutes but I asked my friend certain questions and they couldn't even answer to what happened. The movie had great stunts and locations but big pot holes.

Pot hole #1: what was the battery for: the plot centered on a battery everyone wanted? They answered who made it but they never answered why the device was that important.

pot hole #2: who is Matthew Knight? That's Roy Miller's real name. The story touched on it a bit but not really. We got to see a bit of his childhood but not enough to know who Matthew Knight is. I will say that I thought it was nice how he took care of his parents.

pot hole #3: when did they start to fall in love? I guess running all around the world will make someone fall in love but when did this happen? It was like they producers had to throw the love plot in to save face. Either way it was random.

Pot hole #4: what is this movie about? is it about love, espionage, the battery, a chance to see Tom Cruise. Someone please answer me. Maybe this movie went through developmental hell for a reason. There is no concrete plot just a bunch of stunts.

Random Note: I will say that Tom Cruise looks good to 48.