
Monday, August 16, 2010

The Ni***a Double Standard

Nigga. Nigger. Negro. Colored. Boy. Nigra. Negroid. These are all derogatory words used to describe the Africans experience in America. As little as 30 years ago, we were removing someone from a tree. Racism is alive and well. Just because Barack Obama is president, doesn't mean that our struggle for equality has suddenly ended and we're singing kumbaya, if you believe that, then we need you to join us in reality. This post racial world that has been created by the media does not exist. This world was built on the fact that certain races felt they were superior than others and therefore they deserved what those people had. I know it's tragic, but that's reality.

Let's put that on the back burner for a minute and talk about the Ni**a double standard. We're gonna be real because we're all adults here. At least I hope we all are. We as black people do some messed up stuff to each other. There was a time when white people actually did that stuff to us. They used to degrade our women, they used to call us Niggers, they used to kill us, they used to fight to keep us from getting ahead. They used to. Now they just sit back and watch us take the reigns. How often do you hear about white people killing a black person? Not too often. How often do you hear about black people killing black people. Too often. In fact, I heard about 13 people being shot in Baltimore this weekend. It's a shame. How often do you pass a group of young black men and Nigger is being spewed out as a common greeting or word? I hear it all the time. How often do we read articles or listen to interviews where black men and degrading black women? I hear it too much. Do you hear white men saying that black women have attitudes and are unlovable. No. For some reason they tend to date the undateable black women. I see many white men with darker skinned black women or other black women that black men refuse to touch. That's another subject for another day. My point is, white people no longer try to hold us down. We are the perpetrators. I don't think the man exists anymore. We are the man/woman.

Recently, a radio host named Laura Schlessinger, who is syndicated in over 100 cities, used Nigger 11 times while speaking to black caller, who had problems with her white husband using it. Schlessinger stated that it was unfair that blacks could freely use the word but whites couldn't. Although she took the caller's concerns out of context, I kind of agree with her. Why have we appropriated this derogatory word? I personally believe that no one should use the word. Is Nigger the only word we can use to describe a friend or black person? Why is that okay? And do we have the right to hand out "nigger passes?" I also believe that we don't have the right to be upset when someone uses our comments. How often do we call someone a "nappy headed hoe" or "nigger?"

We teach people how to treat us. If we didn't use these derogatory statements or words, then other people wouldn't use them. If we didn't take the sting out of them, no one use would. We should be the example. If you hate people using nigger, then stop using it. Other races don't use derogatory words to describe themselves, only we do. Why not let someone else degrade you?