
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Prop 8 Deemed Unconstitutional

I am pro gay marriage. My freshman year of college I was assigned an essay on several subjects and one of them was gay marriage; of course I chose gay marriage. My whole paper was based on religious doctrine, which my professor told me to remove and think logically. Once I took away the religious reasoning, I had no real case as to why all people shouldn't be allowed to marry.

The argument that gay marriage would compromise marriage is a joke. People have been making a mockery of marriage for years. We have Britney Spears' 55 hour marriage, Sinead O'Connor married for 18 days before deciding to be her husband's girlfriend, Tracey Edmonds and Eddie Murphy married for 2 weeks, and the list goes on. People have been abusing marriage for years. Is it okay for them to continue to test drive mates because marriage is between a man and a woman? Why shouldn't people who have been in monogamous, homosexual relationships for decades be able to marry? People don't take marriage seriously because people have been marrying quickly and divorcing quickly for years. It's also hypocritical to think that God accepts quickie marriages or marriages built on sand because a man and a woman are the participants.

A marriage is more than a man and a woman. A marriage is a union between two people, regardless of gender, who have a deep love, admiration, and respect for each other and have decided to make it legal. That's the definition of a marriage. I know people who have been married for decades but don't have a real marriage.