
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Replacing the Fourth Wall

A funny thing has happened to celebrity in the last two decades. There was a time when one had to be a triple threat to be considered a star. If you couldn't sing, dance, act and weren't attractive you couldn't be a star. There was no personal drama or famous for being famous to sustain a star. The tables have turned. It is not enough to be talented, now one has to be just as interesting or more interesting than talent. Stars like Kim Kardashian have maintained their high profile by making their lives an open book. Kim and her family have put their innermost personal moments on their reality show and they show no signs of stopping. Kim and ex-husband to be Kris Humphries reportedly made $18 million off of their 72 day marriage. Stars like Beyonce, who have been notoriously private about their personal lives have resorted to giving bits of their personal moments to fans. Although Beyonce is still private, she has spoken about her marriage to Jay-Z, her pregnancy, and has even offered fans some insight into private moments. It seems Beyonce has realized that her talent cannot sustain her in a world with stars like the Kardashians.

Although I like to watch these moments, I want celebs to replace the fourth wall. In sitcoms, the fourth wall is the invisible barrier between the audience and the performer. It's what made the audience believe what was going on. I don't wanna know everything about celebs. Like I said before, although I like to watch these moments, I believe some things should be private. There's a reason why reality shows break up relationships and families. It's hard to sustain a relationship or life without privacy. We need privacy. The truth is, I don't want to know everything about a person. It's good to have a measure of mystery. There was a time when we needed to believed our stars were without flaws, now we have to believe they are flawed. We like drama and we like to watch people fail. Why is it okay to wish harm on a public figure?

Some people need to say no to reality shows. Finding out how a star really is is like finding out your parents are flawed. You don't want to know everything about your parents because it ruins the allure and respect you have for them. Same with stars. I watch their shows and cringe. Then I wonder if they thought the show would help their brand. I have heard more than enough stars say they regret their reality shows because of how it portrayed them. Say no to reality shows. I have yet to see one that showcases a person in a great light. They need to find another way to keep the spotlight and replace the fourth wall.