
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

R.I.P Heavy D

I feel like a big part of my childhood just died. Heavy D, who was only 44, has died of a heart attack. Can I just say that when someone has been an adult your whole entire life you have no concept of how young they really are? It's sad he's gone so soon.

Heavy D is responsible for the soundtrack of my elementary school days. "Is It Good To You," "Nothing But Love," "Black Coffee," "Now that We Found Love," and the rap on"Candy Rain" by Soul 4 Real. Heavy D was truly an original. He had raps you could recite without getting in trouble, he danced, produced and had a clean image. He was also a business man, who was responsible for alot of successful acts at Uptown Records, eventually becoming CEO.

Heavy D's resume is extensive and it's a shame we've all but relegated him to the land of the "has beens." He has done a lot for music and he shouldn't have to die to be appreciated.