
Friday, December 9, 2011

Braxton Family Values S2 E4

  • Tamar should not be teaching anyone anything. Tamar, and her bad Debbie Allen impression, is not what Traci needed. Traci needed patience and understanding. I think Trina should have taught her, she seemed more patient and Traci would have gotten it from her. Who wants to learn when someone is yelling at you? Also, why is Tamar teaching, she can't dance and all she talks about is how she is too good to be anyone's backup singer. 
  • Why is Tamar always the victim? Tamar does more than her share of instigating drama and problems. I think they should have checked Tamar a long time ago. Just like Mama Braxton said. Parents, this is what happens when your brat goes unchecked. 
  • Also, why is Toni never at her rehearsals? I guess Toni feels like she has paid her rehearsing dues but I would want to see what's going on with my new employee. 
  • Kudos to Mama Braxton for keeping her personal life personal. She didn't want all of America in her business and I bet she didn't want her nosy daughters in her business, what's wrong with that?
  • Towanda and Trina are the last people who should be investigating anyone's man. Towanda and her manly man thing needs to have a seat on the bench next to Andre and Trina needs to be home with her husband. They both have marital problems and they need to handle that before investigating their mother's man. 
  • When Gabe started speaking about the Towanda and Andre situation, I started laughing. Gabe is too funny in trying to, not to subtly,  pass of Andre and Towanda to Mama Braxton. You can tell Mama Braxton does not want that burden. It'd be different if Andre was disabled but he's not, he's just lazy. Who wants to carry a lazy person?
  • Towanda's not interested in dating because she's too busy letting Andre cash in his LPP (lifetime pussy pass) and she's also too busy lugging Andre and the kids from house to house with the hope that one day he'll be gainfully employed. 
  • Why are Tamar's sister's acting like they don't know she's too vain and selfish to care about anyone but herself? Some women don't want nor need to have children and that's okay. If she doesn't want kids, don't force her into it. Listen to that motherly instinct, Tamar.
  • Dead at Tamar and her what happened, he tried to kiss you in the mouth? Too funny. 
  • Traci is nervous as hen piss? What does that mean? Does piss get nervous? I need someone from the old school to break that down.
  • Towanda is wrong for talking about Traci's size like that. I know she may feel she has "sisterly privileges" to say those things but you know Traci already feels left out and to do that on national TV, loudly for the entire arena to hear, and saying it loudly multiple times is wrong. No wonder Traci puts distance between her and her sisters.
  • Traci should have practiced more. She has wanted this chance for 15 years, she should have been on point. She should have known the choreography and the songs. She didn't have to be perfect, but she should have been on point. Also, true professionals don't leave the stage until the show is over. You're not allowed to give up like that. 
  • I love how sweet Toni was to Traci She was so sweet and so comforting to her. She understands how hard it is to perform for even one person, let alone several thousand. Towanda and Tamar were wrong in how they treated Traci. They should have been more understanding. 
  • Traci, stop tooting your own horn. Yes, you did it, and well the second time, but you have a long way to go before you start tooting any horns.