
Friday, December 9, 2011

Imani, Stephen Wants You to Move On

If there is one motto I have to give to Imani Showalter, it's that people in glass houses should not throw stones- and then hide their hands. Maybe that's the motto I should give to Shaunie too, but her hand is too busy counting all that Basketball Wives money. Imani Showalter, who was a seat filler in Basketball Wives: LA, judged Draya during the season but it seems all her skeletons are falling out of her closet. Her former fiancee, I'm telling you the ring is like the franchise tag, all it means is he likes you and the ring is a guarantee that you won't go anywhere, Stephen Jackson, who?, is dishing tea about Imani and the show. He doesn't say anything bad about her but he is honest. Here are his quotes:

On how he feels about the show
Well, I have two kids by a woman that’s on the show and I really don’t have a problem with it. If she can benefit from it and not put my kids to look bad in any light then I don’t have a problem with it. It’s not affecting me at all. They can go on there and say what they want; it’s not going to affect me. At the end of the day, we weren’t really married so she’s not really a housewife.

On Imani not dating since they broke up
That’s weird ain’t it? I’m married; it’s been a long time. I don’t want no props for that. Move on with your life. I’m married and I’m fine; don’t worry about me and do your thing. I don’t want you.

On if the title of the show is misleading
It should be “Women That Slept With Guys In The NBA.” What’s the girl’s name? Deadra? Deja? [Draya] should be the star if that’s the case because ;half of them wasn’t married. I thought if you look up the definition of ‘housewife’ it says you’re married, you don’t work and you live at home.

On why he feels the show became successful
Reality TV sells. Drama sells. Controversy sells. If they’re going to give you $40,000 to go on TV and make an ass out of yourself, people are going to watch it.

So you think they’re making an ass of themselves?
What do you think? The only one making money is Shaunie. I give her her props because she’s pimping them all. She hasn’t looked bad in one show and I commend her for that. I commend all those women for getting money, being hungry and grinding. I’ll never deny any woman from getting her money.

On if he thinks Shaunie is exploiting the women on the show
You can’t say that she’s exploiting them; she’s making money! It’s a business. You can’t blame her for the way they look on the show because at the end of the day, they’re all grown women. So any situation they are in, they put themselves in; they signed those contracts to go on the show, so you can’t blame Shaunie for none of that. All those women on that show are over 25, over 30, and some of them over 40 and they’re lying. At the end of the day, they know what they’re doing and the blame is solely on them.

I wonder how long ago Stephen and Imani broke up because he's married and she's crying over how lonely she is like they broke up yesterday. I need her, and Mama Braxton because it has been like 10 years and Mama Braxton is still bitter about it, to move on. I understand treasuring a relationship and feeling like you lost time but when you're still acting like break up happened yesterday and your ex is married with a new family, it's time to handle that and move on. Shaunie can say what she wants, but she is a pimp. She had one messy moment with Gloria in season 2 and that was it. She lets them be messy and she collects her checks. Ome thing I hate about Shaunie is that she throws rocks, or makes statements about the show but denies it. Girl, make up your mind. Either you're gonna be messy or you're gonna be clean.