
Monday, January 9, 2012

Mitt Romney, When Keeping it Real Goes Wrong

I wish that certain people would keep it real. Real for them. Mitt Romney is trying too hard to relate to the average American. You're a Harvard graduate, former governor of Massachusetts who will get a six figure salary for life, and you have a net worth of $200 million dollars, you can't relate, so stop pretending you can.

The average American, is barely getting by, seeing their departments close, having their salaries cut, being furloughed, or laid off for months at a time, while Mitt was a Harvard graduate, who was heavily recruited before he graduated, says he was afraid of being fired. Who fires a heavily recruited person? Better yet, if Mitt was fired, I'm sure he would have another job before he signed his termination papers. Then in the next breath, he said he liked being able to fire people. Really Mitt. You don't try to relate by saying you were afraid of being fired, then say you like being able to fire people. Just be quiet and have a seat in the corner facing the wall, and think before you speak.

Mitt tried it and he gets the most lethal side eye ever.You can't talk about being afraid of losing your job while making $12 million renovations to one of your many homes. Don't even try it. We know you're a rich prick, don't pretend like you can relate to anyone except other rich pricks.